Thursday, October 29, 2009

GBP/USD @ 07.00 am (Malaysia)

Salam ...

Trading Range is between 1.6100 to 1.6600.

1. BUY Area : 1.6400

T1 : 1.6465

T2 : 1.6500 - becarefull of all reverse signal.

T3 : 1.6550 - If fail CS should drop to 1.6300 area.

2. SELL Area : 1.6359

T1 : 1.6288

T2 : 1.6211

T3 : 1.6155

Allah Hu.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 11.30 am (Malaysia)

Salam Fx World ....

Sorry for my late predictions. I'm not feeling well this morning and really forget to do this ritual jobs. Let see what will happen today ...

1. BUY Area : 1.6385

T1 : 1.6425

T2 : 1.6450

T3 : 1.6521

2. SELL Area : 1.6345

T1 : 1.6300

T2 : 1.6250

T3 : 1.6200

Allah Hu.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.15 am (Malaysia)

Salam ...

Trading Range is between 1.6100 to 1.6500 area,

1. SELL Area : 1.6307

T1 : 1.6250

T2 : 1.6174

T3 : 1.6100

2. BUY Area : 1.6347

T1 : 1.6485

T2 : 1.6565

Allah Hu

ps : I'm on the way to KL from Kepala Batas at R & R. Internet connections is very bad here and sorry for the bad predictions today. Good Luck.

Monday, October 26, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.00 am (Malaysia)

Salam ...

Trading Range is between 1.6100 to 1.6700 area.

1. SELL Area : 1.6411

T1 : 1.6353

T2 : 1.6299

T3 : 1.6150

2. BUY Area : 1.6451

T1 : 1.6503

T2 : 1.6553

T3 : 1.6650

Allah Hu

Friday, October 23, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.00 am (Malaysia)

Salam FX World ...

Trading Range is between 1.6300 to 1.6800

1. BUY Area : 1.6005

T1 : 1.6555

T2 : 1.6636 - becarefull of all reverse signal.

T3 : 1.6755 - if fail CS should drop deeper to 1.6500 area.

2. SELL Area : 1.6561

T1 : 1.6521

T2 : 1.6487

T3 : 1.6400

Allah Hu.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.00 am (Malaysia)


Trading Range is between 1.6300 to 1.6800 area.

1. BUY Area : 1.6547

T1 : 1.6600

T2 : 1.6660

T3 : 1.6750

2. SELL Area : 1.6507

T1 : 1.6450

T2 : 1.6385

T3 : 1.6321

Allah Hu.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.00 am (Malaysia)

Salam ...

Trading Range is between 1.6100 to 1.6600 area.

1. SELL Area : 1.6381

T1 : 1.6327

T2 : 1.6250

T3 : 1.6200

2. BUY Area : 1.6421

T1 : 1.6455

T2 : 1.6500

T3 : 1.6557

Allah Hu

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.00 am (Malaysia)

Salam .... please becarefull of all reverse signal and be more discipline today. Set your target not mine and if there is a confirm signal.

Trading Range for today is between 1.6200 to 1.6600 area.

1. BUY Area : 1.6385

T1 : 1.6450

T2 : 1.6550

T3 : 1.6600 - if fail CS should drop deeper to 1.6400 area.

2. SELL Area : 1.6345

T1 : 1.6300

T2 : 1.6250

T3 : 1.6200

Monday, October 19, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.00 am (Malaysia)

1. SELL Area : 1.6313

T1 : 1.6241

T2 : 1.6143

T3 : 1.6050

1. BUY Area : 1.6353

T1 : 1.6400

T2 : 1.6473

T3 : 1.6550

Allah Hu

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Kelas Forex Di Penang.



a. Tarikh : 24 - 26 Oktober, 2009
b. Tempat : Hotel Seri Malaysia, Kepala Batas, Penang.
c. Kekosongan : 2 (dibuka untuk booking)
d. Hubungi : 012-3952744

Ramai yang booking - jika tiada deposit di bayar saya anggap belum confirm.
Siapa bayar deposit dulu dia diterima. Segera kerana tempat terhad. Siapa cepat dia dapat. Semua booking mesti melalui telefon. Email tak dilayan. Terima kasih.

Kelas di Kluang, Johor masih dibuka untuk tempahan. Di Seri Kembangan pada selasa 20 October, 2009 masih ada 1 kosong. Sila booking segera.

Allah Hu.

Friday, October 16, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.00 am (Malaysia)

Salam ...

How are you my friends and hope all are in good conditions and please control your GT Habit and please do some jogging and enjoy living. Not just sit infront of the PC all the days long.

Yesterday is a very good trading day for most of my student and some of them got $2100. Wow what a good return and he do it with full of knowledge, patience and discipline. So do some of them just open in few days live account after train 3 month on demo accounts. Traning make prefect and please make your demo accounts as a real one. Please don't forget the basic and see the clock (6 - 10 - 2 - 6 - 10 - 2). What it is man... ops it is just a good formula with one of the discipline in my trading technic.

Ok let see what will happen today. On Daily Chart everything is going up. The market supposed to do some corections. Let see the H4 chart hah hah also in same situations. What happen to weekly chart then.. already touching Mr. BB but too shy to penetrate it. Hourly chart already OB yes already OB but the pattern is " a big flag " must test 1.6320 or further up. So after this spike the CS should make some consolidations.

Anyway let see the small TF and looks like Mr BB is going to do some breaking points and the flag is very big.

So what next if we take all this market habit. I saw this more then 4 years.. yes many-many time. If I'll take all this considerations using Mr Fibo my predictions today in this very early morning in Malaysia is :
(sorry for my bad English).

Trading Range is 1.6000 to 1.6500 area.

1. BUY Area : 1.6203

T1 : 1.6300

T2 : 1.6373 - please dont belive me

T3 : 1.6450 - please dont belive me again. Set your target ok not mine. The market supposed to consolidate in a Rangging market to test 1.6100 area.

2. SELL Area : 1.6161

T1 : 1.6115

T2 : 1.5992

T3 : 1.5917

Allah Hu.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.00 am (Malaysia)

Salam ....

As aspected yesterday CS met the buy area and manage to met my T2 at 1.6000 but fail to meet my T3 at 1.6060 and stop at 1.6023. After that CS retrace but fail to test 1.5900 and rebound to test again 1.6020.

At this moment CS is testing 1.6000 area and if fail CS may drop deeper at 1.5900 area. If fail CS should rebound back to test 1.6023 (UTL) again or up further. Please be alert on all reverse signal at M15 and H1. Be more discipline today and dont forget the BASIC.

If this happen what is my predictions for today.

Trading Range is between 1.5800 to 1.6200 area.

1. BUY Area : 1.5995

T1 : 1.6050.

T2 : 1.6127

2. SELL Area : 1.5955

T1 : 1.5900

T2 : 1.5853

T3 : 1.5800

Allah Hu

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.00 am (Malaysia)

Salam ....

As aspected yesterday Sell Area met and reached T1 at 1.5729 and stop at 1.5707 and fail to test T2. As aspected also if CS fail to drop deeper at T2, CS may rebound to test 1.5800 area. Then CS enter BUY area at 1.5823 and reached T1 at 1.5881 easyly but fail to test T2 at 1.5955 and stop at 1.5935.

At this moments CS is testing 1.5950 and if Daily CS close High, CS should consolidate and if fail to test 1.5800 area, CS should test again 1.6000 area. Until then let see what will happen today and if everything is going right as aspected, my predictions for today is :

Trading Range 1.5800 to 1.6100 area.

1. BUY Area : 1.5871

T1 : 1.5935

T2 : 1.6000

T3 : 1.6060

2. SELL Area : 1.5831

T1 : 1.5800

T2 : 1.5750

T3 : 1.5700

Allah Hu.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.00 am (Malaysia)

Salam ...

Trading Range is between 1.5600 to 1.6100

1. SELL Area : 1.5783

T1 : 1.5729

T2 : 1.5651

If fail CS should rebound to 1.5800 area. Please becarefull of all reverse signal. Everything is OS now.

2. BUY Area : 1.5823

T1 : 1.5881

T2 : 1.5955

T3 : 1.6050

Allah Hu.

Monday, October 12, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 05.30 am (Malaysia)

Salam ....

Trading Range is between 1.5700 to 1.6200.

1. SELL Area : 1.5893

T1 : 1.5823

T2 : 1.5771

T3 : 1.5700

2. BUY Area : 1.5933

T1 : 1.5977

T2 : 1.6050

T3 : 1.6120

Allah Hu.

Kelas di Kepala Batas masih ada 2 kosong. Berminat sila booking di 0123952744. TQ

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Betul... Betul .... Betul....

Allahummasolli'alamuhammad wa'alaalimuhammad
Salamun 'alaikum

“Gempa di Padang jam 17.16, gempa susulan 17.58, esoknya gempa di Jambi jam 8.52. Coba lihat Al-Qur’an!” demikian bunyi pesan singkat yang beredar. Siapa pun yang membuka Al-Qur’an dengan tuntunan pesan singkat tersebut akan merasa kecil di hadapan Allah Swt. Demikian ayatayat Allah Swt tersebut:

17.16 (QS. Al Israa’ ayat 16): “Dan jika Kami hendak membinasakan suatu negeri, maka Kami perintahkan kepada orang-orang yang hidup mewah di negeri itu (supaya mentaati Allah) tetapi mereka melakukan kedurhakaan dalam negeri itu, maka sudah sepantasnya berlaku terhadapnya perkataan (ketentuan Kami), kemudian Kami hancurkan negeri itu sehancur-hancurnya.”

17.58 (QS. Al Israa’ ayat 58): “Tak ada suatu negeri pun (yang durhaka penduduknya), melainkan Kami membinasakannya sebelum hari kiamat atau Kami azab (penduduknya) dengan azab yang sangat keras. Yang demikian itu telah tertulis di dalam kitab (Lauh Mahfuz).”

8.52 (QS. Al Anfaal: 52): (Keadaan mereka) serupa dengan keadaan Fir’aun dan pengikut-pengikutnya serta orang-orang sebelumnya. Mereka mengingkari ayat-ayat Allah, maka Allah menyiksa mereka disebabkan disebabkan dosa-dosanya. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Kuat lagi Amat Keras siksaan-Nya.”
Tiga ayat Allah Swt di atas, yang ditunjukkan tepat dalam waktu kejadian tiga gempa kemarin di Sumatera, berbicara mengenai azab Allah berupa kehancuran dan kematian, dan kaitannya dengan hidup bermewah-mewah dan kedurhakaan, dan juga dengan keadaan Fir’aun dan pengikut-pengikutnya. Ini tentu sangat menarik.

sumber; eramuslim

iyyakanaqbudu waiyyakanasta'in

Friday, October 9, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.00 am (Malaysia)

Salam ...

Congratulations who took my buy area yesterday and got T2 but fail to break T3 at 1.6150 and CS stop at 1.6119. At this moments CS is on consolidations mode. So let see what is my predictions for today.

Trading Range is between 1.5800 to 1.6300 area.

1. BUY Area : 1.6065

T1 : 1.6150

T2 : 1.6200 - Becare full of all reverse signal.

T3 : 1.6300 - if fail CS should drop to 1.6100 area.

2. SELL area : 1.6025

T1 : 1.5930

T2 : 1.5850

T3 : 1.5800

Allah Hu.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.00 am (Malaysia)

Salam ...

Trading Range is between 1.5750 to 1.6200

1. BUY Area : 1.5947

T1 : 1.6000

T2 : 1.6050

T3 : 1.6150

SELL Area : 1.5907

T1 : 1.5884

T2 : 1.5850

T3 : 1.5800

Allah Hu.

Makluman : Kelas di Kepala Batas Masih Ada Kosong. Siapa Daftar Cepat Dia Dapat Kerana Tempat Terhad. Sila Call 0123952744 selepas 2 petang untuk pendaftaran segera. Allah Hu.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.00 am (Malaysia)

Salam Fx World ...

Trading Range is between 1.5700 to 1.6200 area.

1. SELL Area : 1.5923

T1 : 1.5850

T2 : 1.5800 - be alert on all reverse signal.

T3 : 1.5771 - if fail CS should rebound.

2. BUY Area : 1.5965

T1 : 1.6007

T2 : 1.6050

T3 : 1.6150

Allah Hu.

Maklumat : Atas Permintaan Kelas Ke 2/2009 di Kepala Batas akan di adakan pada
24 - 26 October, 2009. Tempat terhad dan masih ada 3 kekosongan. Untuk
keterangan lanjut sila call 0123952744 ( selepas 2 petang ).

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

GBP/USD @ 07.20 am (Malaysia)

Salam ....

Trading Range is between 1.5700 to 1.6200

1. SELL Area : 1.5931

T1 : 1.5900

T2 : 1.5850

T3 : 1.5771

2. BUY Area : 1.5971

T1 : 1.6022

T2 : 1.6074

T3 : 1.6150

Allah Hu.

Monday, October 5, 2009

GBP/USD @ 07.45 am (Malaysia)


Trading Range is between 1.5600 to 1.6200

1. BUY Area : 1.5921

T1 : 1.5953

T2 : 1.6055

T3 : 1.6121

2. SELL Area : 1.5891

T1 : 1.5840

T2 : 1.5771

T3 : 1.5665

Allah Hu.

Friday, October 2, 2009

GBP/USD @ 07.00 am (Malaysia)

Salam ....

Trading Range is between 1.5700 to 1.6200

1. Sell Area : 1.5941

T1 : 1.5901

T2 : 1.5861

T3 : 1.5800 - if fail CS should rebound to 1.5900 area. If success CS may drop deeper to 1.5700 area.

2. BUY Area : 1.5983

T1 : 1.6001

T2 : 1.6062

T3 : 1.6150

Allah Hu.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

GBP/USD @ 11.30 am (Malaysia)

Salam ....

Trading Range is between 1.5800 to 1.6250

1. SELL Area : 1.6005

T1 : 1.5944

T2 : 1.5900

T3 : 1.5800 - there is a possibility to test 1.5771 or deeper. If fail CS will rebound to 1.6000 area.

2. BUY Area : 1.6045

T1 : 1.6082

T2 : 1.6150

T3 : 1.6250

Allah Hu.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.00 am (Malaysia)


Trading Range is between 1.5700 to 1.6200

1. BUY Area : 1.5943

T1 : 1.5990

T2 : 1.6050

T3 : 1.6150

2. SELL Area : 1.5903

T1 : 1.5887

T2 : 1.5823

T3 : 1.5771

Allah Hu.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

GBP/USD @ 08.00 am (Malaysia)


Trading Range is between 1.5600 to 1.6200

1. BUY Area : 1.5891

T1 : 1.5950

T2 : 1.6000

T3 : 1.6113 - If fail to move further up CS may drop back to 1.5800 area.

2. SELL Area : 1.5851

T1 : 1.5800

T2 : 1.5771

T3 : 1.5650

Allah Hu.

Monday, September 28, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.00 am (Malaysia)

Salam ....

Hi Forex World at this moment CS is on consolidate from the Bearish Movement last week. All the predictions from my blog from last Friday is still valid in 2 hours time. Please dont belive me - it only my predictions. Anyway for today predictions this is my tips for you.

Trading Range is between 1.5700 to 1.6200 area - (ops is only 400 pips... hahahaha)

1. SELL Area : 1.5913

T1 : 1.5850

T2 : 1.5800

T3 : 1.5750 - there is a possibility to drop deeper to 1.5600 area within few days. Be alert on all reverse signal and please set your target not mine.

2. BUY Area : 1.5953

T1 : 1.6000

T2 : 1.6061

T3 : 1.6119

Allah Hu.

Friday, September 25, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 11.30 am (Malaysia)


It free fall yesterday and continue this morning. All my SELL area met the target and congratulations who got it. CS should do some corections before drop deeper to 1.5800.
As long as 1.6100 resistance Hold, CS should drop deeper to 1.5800 to 1.5600 area within few days.

Please be alert on all reverse signal and be more discipline today. Please use the software because it look so accurate this morning. Until then let see what will happen today.

Allah Hu.

ps : Kelas di Kepala Batas pada 26 - 28 September,2009 berjalan seperti jadual. Yang dah daftar sila hubungi saya untuk keterangan lanjut.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.00 am (Malaysia)


Yesterday my buy area met and met my second target at 1.6450 and stop at 1.6465 fail to meet my T3 at 1.6550. As aspected yesterday if CS fail to break 1.6550, CS may drop back to 1.6300 area - then on H1 CS performed a shooting star a very good reverse signal.

So after FOMC decision to Hold interest rate - what will happen today :

Trading range is between 1.6100 area to 1.6550.

1. SELL Area : 1.6351

T1 : 1.6270

T2 : 1.6200

T3 : 1.6113

2. BUY Area : 1.6391

T1 : 1.6451

T2 : 1.6505

T3 : 1.6550

Allah Hu.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.00 am (Malaysia)

Salam ....

Trading Range is between 1.6100 to 1.6600 area.

1. BUY Area : 1.6337

T1 : 1.6400

T2 : 1.6450

T3 : 1.6550 - If fail CS should drop at 1.6300 area.

2. SELL Area : 1.6297

T1 : 1.6248

T2 : 1.6200

T3 : 1.6137

Allah Hu

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 11.00 am (Malaysia)


Sorry for my late predictions. CS is on consolidate from the Bearish movement and as long as 1.6300 Hold CS should test 1.6100 area and more deeper decline will be seen today to 1.5900 area. If 1.6100 Hold CS may test back 1.6300 area again.

Trading Range is between 1.6000 to 1.6500 area.

1. BUY Area : 1.6221

T1 : 1.6282

T2 : 1.6336

T3 : 1.6400

2. SELL Area : 1.6181

T1 : 1.6139

T2 : 1.6069

T3 : 1.5950 - if fail CS should test 1.6300 area again.

Allah Hu.

Monday, September 21, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 07.30 am (Malaysia)


Trading Range is between 1.6100 to 1.6600.

1. SELL Area : 1.6295

T1 : 1.6208

T2 : 1.6150

T3 : 1.6100

2. BUYY Area : 1.6335

T1 : 1.6384

T2 : 1.6455

T3 : 1.6515

Allah Hu

Selamat Hari Raya - Maaf Zahir Dan Bating

Saturday, September 19, 2009

HUHUHU 330 pips yesterday on SELL positions - Ah Lan Wahsahlan Eidul Mubaraq - Syukran

Salam FX World - congrate to whom who got the sell area and achived more 300 pips.

Saya Ahmad Abdul Latif, Isteri Zainon Binti Husain dan anak2 mengucapkan :

Selamat Hari Raya Eidul Fitry Al Mubaraq.

Maaf Zahir Dan Batin.

Halalkan segala :

1. Makan dan Minum.

2. Duit yuran yang anda bayar.

3. Maafkan segala salah tutur dan persoalan yang saya bangkit selama ini.

4. Yang kena tarik telingga dan kena rotan termasuk yang kena halau tu.

5. Samada kesalahan yang saya sedari atau yang tak saya sedari.

6. Yang terkecil hati dan terbesar hati.

Kepada yang belum bayar duit yuran saya belum halalkan. Yang belum bayar habis duit yuran pun saya belum halalkan... hehehehe.

Yang saya berhutang tolong tuntut sebelum saya mati.

Allah Hu

ps... jemput datang rumah - tiada jemputan resmi - just datang makan biskut keras.

Kelas di Kepala Batas masih ada 2 kosong - kalau berminat sila datang atau call saya di 0123952744.

Friday, September 18, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.00 am ( Malaysia)


Trading Range is between 1.6300 to 1.6700.

1. SELL Area : 1.6459

T1 : 1.6400

T2 : 1.6350

T3 : 1.6285

2. BUY Area : 1.6500

T1 : 1.6561

T2 L 1.6645

T3 : 1.6700

Allah Hu.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.00 am (Malaysia)

Salam ...

Trading range is between 1.6300 to 1.6800

1. BUY Area : 1.6500

T1 : 1.6572

T2 : 1.6657

T3 : 1.6740

2. SELL Area : 1.6461

T1 : 1.6432

T2 : 1.6400

T3 : 1.6300

Allah Hu.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.00 am (Malaysia)


Trading Range is between 1.6300 to 1.6800

1. SELL Area : 1.6495

T1 : 1.6430

T2 : 1.6371

T3 : 1.6300

2. BUY Area : 1.6525

T1 : 1.6595

T2 : 1.6657

T3 : 1.6750

Congratulate who got the Sell area yesterday and got the T3 at 1.6450. TQ Allah. CS at this moment is on consilidate from yesterday bearish movement. Becarefull of the reverse signal and be more discipline on the indicator. There is already flag at H1 and anytime CS may test 1.6500 area. Until then let see what will happen today.

Allah Hu.

ps : Kursus di Kepala Batas, Penang masih ada 2 kekosongan. Jika berminat sila booking segera. Siapa dulu dia akan dapat dan sila booking melalui telefon atau email. Anda boleh dapatkan maklumat itu di blog ini. Salam.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.00 am (Malaysia)

Salam ....

Trading Range is between 1.6400 to 1.6750.

1. SELL Area : 1.6575

T1 : 1.6523

T2 : 1.6500

T3 : 1.6450

2. BUY Area : 1.6615

T1 : 1.6684

T2 : 1.6750

Allah Hu.

Monday, September 14, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 05.30 am (Malaysia)


Trading Range is between 1.6400 to 1.6850

1. BUY Area : 1.6700

T1 : 1.6750

T2 : 1.6850 - if fail CS may drop back to 1.6600 area or deeper.

2. SELL Area : 1.6661

T1 : 1.6621

T2 : 1.6526

T3 : 1.6450

Allah Hu.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

For My Frens Please Read !!!

Please Click this :

moneyads4u frens

Kelas Forex 26 september 2009 di kepala Batas masih ada kosong lagi.

Berminat sila call 0123952744 untuk booking.

Allah Hu.

Friday, September 11, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.30 am (Malaysia)


Trading Range is between 1.6300 to 1.6800

1. Buy Area : 1.6625

T1 : 1.6684

T2 : 1.6750

If fail CS may drop back at 1.6600 area.

2. SELL Area : 1.6585

T1 : 1.6528

T2 : 1.6479

T3 : 1.6400

Allah Hu.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 05.30 am (Malaysia)


Trading Range is between 1.6300 to 1.6750

1. Buy Area : 1.6547

T1 : 1.6587

T2 : 1.6650

T3 : 1.6750 - if fail CS may drop deeper to 1.6500 area.

2. SELL Area : 1.6507

T1 : 1.6452

T2 : 1.6400

T3 : 1.6393

Congratulations who got the buy area yesterday and got T2 at 1.6585 and CS stop at 1.6588. Then CS drop back at 1.6500 area. At this moments CS is in consolidate from the Bullish move. CS may test back 1.6600 this morning and if fail CS may drop back to 1.6500 area. Be alert on all reverse signal and as usual please set your own target and stop if you get it asap. Until then be happy on the 21 st. of Ramadhan.

Allah Hu.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.15 am (Malaysia)


Trading Range is between 1.6200 to 1.6700 area.

1. BUY Area : 1.6489

T1 : 1.6521

T2 : 1.6585

T3 : 1.6650 - if fail cs may drop to 1.6400 area.

2. SELL Area : 1.6449

T1 : 1.6400

T2 : 1.6321

T3 : 1.6270

Congratulations who took the buy area yesterday and got T3. Becarefull of the reverse signal. Just set your target and if you got it just stop trade and wait for others signal. Until then let see what will happen today and happy trade.

Allah Hu.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.30 am (Malaysia)


Trading Range is between 1.6200 to 1.6500

1. SELL Area : 1.6347

T1 : 1.6300

T2 : 1.6250

T3 : 1.6180

2. BUY Area : 1.6387

T1 : 1.6400

T2 : 1.6450

T3 : 1.6500

Allah Hu.

Monday, September 7, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.00 am (Malaysia)

Salam ....

Trading Range is between 1.6100 to 1.6600

1. BUY Area : 1.6361

T1 : 1.6410

T2 : 1.6488

T3 : 1.6556

If fail CS may drop back to 1.6300 area.

2. SELL Area : 1.6341

T1 : 1.6285

T2 : 1.6236

T3 : 1.6150

Allah Hu.

Friday, September 4, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.00 am (Malaysia)

Salam...... congratulations who took the buy area yesterday and achived the T3 at 1.6410. Now CS is on consolidate from the Bulish movement. Let see what will happen today :

1. BUY Area : 1.6345

T1 : 1.6410

T2 : 1.6455

T3 : 1.6521 - if fail CS may drop back to 1.6300 area.

2. SELL Area : 1.6305

T1 : 1.6230

T2 : 1.6150

T3 : 1.6115

Allah Hu.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.00 am (Malaysia)


Trading Range is between 1.6000 to 1.6500

Congratulations who got both Buy and Sell area yesterday and got T1 on both positions again. Syukran to Allah and thank-you Allah, Allah Hu.

For today my predictions is :

1. BUY Area : 1.6245

T1 : 1.6300

T2 : 1.6350

T3 : 1.6410

2. SELL Area : 1.6205

T1 : 1.6150

T2 : 1.6115

T3 : 1.6050

My advice is please set your daily target that you may achive, not mine ok. Because it is only my predictions and not guarenteed. But if you set 30 to 60 pips a trade you might get it and please stop if you got it asap. Becarefull of any reverse signal today and trade only what you see - not what you think. Until then let see what will happen today and happy trading.

Allah Hu.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.30 am (Malaysia)


Trading Range is between 1.5900 to 1.6500

1. SELL Area : 1.6193

T1 : 1.6112

T2 : 1.6050

T3 : 1.5951 - if fail CS may rebound back to test 1.6200 area.

2. BUY Area : 1.6233

T1 : 1.6314

T2 : 1.6374

T3 : 1.6450

Congratulations who got the Buy and Sell area yesterday and met the T1 on both positions. Becarefull today and be more discipline and please set your target and stop asap if you achive it.

Allah Hu.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.30 am (Malaysia)

Salam ....

Trading Range is between 1.6000 to 1.6500

1. BUY Area : 1.6285

T1 : 1.6350

T2 : 1.6450

T3 : 1.6500 - if fail CS may drop back to 1.6200 area.

2. SELL Area : 1.6245

T1 : 1.6182

T2 : 1.6100

T3 : 1.6050

Allah Hu.

Monday, August 31, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 11.00 am (Malaysia)


Sorry for my late predictions today. I'm in Malacca visiting and relax huhuhu..

Trading Range is between 1.6100 to 1.6500 area.

1. SELL Area : 1.6281

T1 : 1.6250

T2 : 1.6200

T3 : 1.6150 - There is a possibility to drop deeper at 1.6000 area if break 1.6150. If fail CS may rebound to test back 1.6200 area.

2. BUY Area : 1.6321

T1 : 1.6375

T2 : 1.6421

T3 : 1.6500

Allah Hu.

Friday, August 28, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.00 am (Malaysia)


Trading Range is between 1.6000 to 1.6500

1. BUY Area : 1.6261

T1 : 1.6304

T2 : 1.6332

T3 : 1.6450 - there is a possibility CS may test further up and if fail CS may drop back to 1.6200 area.

2. SELL Area : 1.6221

T1 : 1.6153

T2 : 1.6092

T3 : 1.6031

Allah Hu.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 06.00 am (Malaysia)

Salam ....

Yesterday SELL area met as aspected and met my Target 3 (T3) and stop at 1.6160 before rebound back to 1.6247. Congratulations who got it and take the opportunity on confirmations. Let see what will happen today and my predictions is :

Trading Range is between 1.6000 to 1.6500.

1. SELL Area : 1.6227

T1 : 1.6160

T2 : 1.6100

T3 : 1.6055 - if fail CS may rebound back to 1.6200 area, but there is a possibility CS may test 1.6000 area or deeper. Dont belive me but trade on what you see and be alert on all the reverse signal.

2. BUY Area : 1.6267

T1 : 1.6352

T2 : 1.6439

Allah Hu.

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