Sunday, February 8, 2009

Articel From Web Boma for You to Read

You are visiting this page probably because you like to become a good forex trader. If you are already a good forex trader then skip this page because you have already known yourself!Did you know that you have to know yourself if you really like to become a good forex trader? Yes; it is true because a forex trader has to be able to control his emotions. Do you know what kind of emotions we have? We have five main emotions that our behaviors, decisions and actions can be influenced by them: Pride, Greed, Fear, Ignorance and Desire

Two of these emotions are more important than the others in forex trading but these two emotions also become affected by the other emotions. For example the reason we want to learn and trade forex is based on Desire and when you like to become wealthy you are somehow feeding your Pride not just your greed.

Believe it or not! If you don’t learn to know yourself and become the master of your emotions you will never ever become a good trader even if you hold ten PhDs in economics, politics, mathematics, computer and … . Trading is different than these things. I don’t want to ask you to go and sign up for a Yoga or meditation class (although I believe it would be great if you could that) or go to one of the temples in Tibet and become a monk and then come back and start trading forex. What I am trying to say is that you should know yourself and your emotions in order to become able to control them. People are different from each other. You can have more fear than your friend and your friend can have more greed than you.

So start knowing yourself basically by asking some questions and analyzing your behavior and reactions:

1. Are you an emotional person in general?
2. Do you get angry or scared so easily?
3. Do you get upset so easily?
4. Do you work long hours to make more money but you don’t enjoy the money you make?
5. Do you fall in love so easily and frequently?
6. Is it hard for you to give something for charity?
7. Is it hard for you to forgive someone who has made you upset?
8. Do you always try to keep everybody happy and satisfied?
9. Do you exaggerate when you describe something like a movie or an event?
10. Do you consider the problems much bigger than they really are?
11. Do you like to talk a lot but listening to the others is not easy and pleasant for you?
12. Do you always try to be the first and the best in everything?
13. Do you hate anybody who is better than you?
14. Do you get upset when someone who is younger tries to teach you something?
15. Do you like to buy and keep books that you don’t really read?
16. Is it hard for you to admit that somebody knows more than you?
17. Do you try to answer any question that you are asked and it is hard for you to say “I don’t know”?
18. Do you like to learn from your own mistakes or you prefer to learn from the others’ experiences?
19. Are you sometimes so happy and sometimes so sad without any special reason?
20. Do you believe that you are always right and only the others make mistakes?

Ask the above questions from yourself and try to answer them properly. You are the best to judge about yourself. Don’t ask the others to answer the questions for you. You know the answers if you think.

Again believe it or not! I wish I had enough time and patience to explain how any of the above 20 problems affects forex trading but if you answered yes to any of the above questions, you will not be a good forex trader and you will make a lot of mistakes. But it is easy to resolve these problems. You just need to find and know them and then control them. In order to achieve anything which is more psychological based we need to solve the above problems first.

Baca dan Baca

This is yours and please read it:

Good Luck.1) Penaklukan Baitulmuqaddis.

bersabda: Dari Auf b. Malik r.a. katanya,Rasulullah s.a.w telah

'Aku menghitung 6 perkara menjelang hari kiamat.' Baginda menyebutkan salah 1 diantaranya, iaitu penaklukan Baitulmuqaddis.'
- Hadith Sahih Bukhari

~ perkara ni dah jadi dah... depan mata.. walaupun sekadar tengok di berita perdana jam 8.00malam @ Al Jazeera.

2) Zina bermaharajalela.

'Dan tinggallah manusia2 yang buruk, yang seenaknya melakukan persetubuhan seperti himar (keldai). Maka pada zaman mereka inilah kiamat akan datang.' - Hadith Sahih Muslim

~ perkara ni dah jadi dah... depan mata... kat mana mana ada perkara macam ni. dah tahu malu lagi. kalau nabi Muhammad PBUH masih hidup, pasti baginda sedih melihat kejadian ini. sebab bukan ini yang baginda inginkan dari umatnya...

3) Bermaharajalela alat muzik.

'Pada akhir zaman akan terjadi tanah runtuh, rusuhan & perubahan muka'. Ada yang bertanya kepada Rasulullah;
'Wahai Rasulullah bila hal ini terjadi?' Baginda menjawab: 'Apabila telah bermaharajalela bunyian(muzik) & penyanyi² wanita' - Ibnu Majah

~ perkara ni dah jadi dah... depan mata... paling senang nak jumpa depan television. adanya rancangan Akademi Fantasia, Malaysia Idol, artis perempuan yang membawa imej muslimah... dan pelbagai lagi... ini tak termasuk artis wanita yang macam perempuan nasrani dan yahudi.

4) Menghias masjid & membanggakannya.

'Di antara tanda2 telah dekatnya kiamat ialah manusia bermegahan dalam mendirikan masjid' - Riwayat Nasai.

~ memang dah nampak dah... tak payah tengok kat luar negara, kat Malaysia ni pun ada... masjeed cukup main besar, tapi tak ramai jemaahnya. tempat yang ramai jemaah, sampai melimpah-limpah tak muat nak masuk buat solat jumaat tak nak diperluaskan lagi masjeed tu. biasanya orang macam ni lebih pentingkan, masjeed mana paling canggih... cantik...

5) Munculnya kekejian, memutuskan kerabat & hubungan dengan tetangga tidak baik.

'Tidak akan datang kiamat sehingga banyak
perbuatan & perkataan keji, memutuskan hubungan silaturahim & sikap yang buruk dalam
tetangga.' - Riwayat Ahmad dan Hakim.

~ ada anak tak mengaku ada mak/bapak pasal malu...... ada jugak bapak yang tak ingat anak, suruh orang lain bela... bila anak dah besar, tak payah bela lagi, baru datang carik anak...

6) Ramai orang soleh meninggal dunia.

'Tidak akan datang hari kiamat sehingga Allah mengambil orang2 yang baik& ahli agama di muka bumi, maka tiada yang tinggal padanya kecuali orang2 yang hina & buruk yang tidak mengetahui yang makruf dan tidak mengingkari kemungkaran'
- Riwayat Ahmad

~ boleh kira berapa jer para ulama' yg tinggal... kalau yang ada ada ni tak tahu komitmen dia yang sebenarnya, samada betul tanggungjawabnya untuk kepentingan islam atau sekadar tempelan batuk di tangga.

7) Orang yang hina mendapat kedudukan terhormat.

'Di antara tanda semakin dekatnya kiamat ialah dunia akan dikuasai oleh Luka' bin Luka'(orang yang bodoh & hina).. Maka orang yang paling baik ketika itu ialah orang yang beriman yang diapit oleh 2 orang mulia' - Riwayat Thabrani

~ George Bush, Ariel Sharon & kat Malaysia pun ada...

8) Mengucapkan salam kepada orang yang dikenalnya sahaja.

'Sesungguhnya di antara tanda2 telah dekatnya hari kiamat ialah manusia tidak mahu mengucapkan salam kepada orang lain kecuali yang dikenalnya saja.' - Riwayat Ahmad

~ jiran sesama islam pon tak bertegur sapa...

9) Banyak wanita yang berpakaian tetapi hakikatnya telanjang.

Diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah r.a. 'Di antara anda² telah hari kiamat ialah akan muncul pakaian² wanita & apabila mereka memakainya keadaannya seperti telanjang'.

~ fesyen zaman skarang (tube, spaghetti strap, g-string etc.)... pakai kat umah cukupla tunjuk kat laki, dapat pahala besar... ini siap tunjuk kat orang.. nak tunjukkan betapa besar "lurah aku", betapa besar pinggul aku", betapa ramping badan ku... betapa 'flat' perut ku .... etc... masyaAllah. kan senang pakai baju kurung, nak duduk selesa, nak berjalan selesa, nak buat ibadah umum (macam keluar bekerja mencari rezeki, pegi berniaga dan jumpa orang, menghadiri majlis perkahwinan etc) pun selesa. apatah lagi ibadah khusus (bersolat, tak nampakla kulit kalau telekung jarang, nak berzikir pun seronok, sebab menutup aurat, sebab berzikir ni walaupun pendek, tapi berulang kali memang ada kebaikannya, hanya Allah yang tahu, bukan kita.)

10) Bulan sabit kelihatan besar.

'Di antara tanda2 telah dekatnya hari kiamat ialah menggelembung( membesarnya) bulan sabit.' - Riwayat Thabrani

~ tak caya gi tengok.... atau tanya orang yang biasa dengan ilmu ini. pasti mereka tahu.

11) Banyak dusta & tidak tepat dalam menyampaikan berita.

'Pada akhir zaman akan muncul pembohong2 besar yang datang kepadamu
dengan membawa berita2 yang belum pernah kamu dengar & belum pernah
didengar oleh bapa2 kamu sebelumnya, kerana itu jauhkanlah dirimu dari mereka agar mereka tidak menyesatkanmu & memfitnahmu' - Sahih Muslim

~ Siaran TV kerajaan dan swasta, akhbar2 harian & majalah² yg popular skarang nie....... macam macam kan ....

12)Banyak saksi palsu & menyimpan kesaksian yang benar.

'Sesungguhnya sebelum datang nya hari kiamat akan banyak kesaksian palsu ......
& disembunyikan kesaksian yang benar.' -Riwayat Ahmad

~ tengok kes peperangan Iraq ... soheh serta sah nampak, tapi kita atau orang yang sepatutnya ... buat tak tahu jek.....

13) Negara Arab menjadi padang rumput & sungai..

'Tidak akan datang hari kiamat sehingga negeri Arab kembali menjadi padang rumput & sungai²' - Sahih Muslim

~ Dubai dah turun salji... Mina (tempat orang buat haji- bersihkan dosa) dah kene banjir...


Dari Abdullah bin 'Amir r.a., Rasulullah s.a.w....bersabda:

'Sampaikanlah pesanku biarpun...
1 ayat....'

Saturday, February 7, 2009

GBP/USD Pair Next Week - My Predictions:

My Buy Area yesterday 6 th February 2009 at 1.4565 met and reached my first target at 1.4650 and second target at 1.4750 and close at 1.4842. After that it when back inside the BB area and close at 1.4804. Congratulations who took this opportunity and gain more 200 pips. Thank Allah and syukran and hoping you will not miss that Bullish move. The candle fail to meet the Pivot point at the first place after the NFA results emerge.

Looks at the H4 chart, this bullish movement are from the double bottom pattern on 02 nd. February 2009 from 1.4050 point. From 1.4050 candle break the middle band and made a big flag on 05 th February 2009, candle move further up and try to penetrate MA line at Daily chart attached here and close on high pattern candle. Just analyst the Daily candle I've attached together here.

So What Will Happen Next Week - My Predictions: (Please Don't Belive Me).

Look at the H4 chart, look like candle happen to close as Spinning Top Pattern. This is very look like a confirm Reversing Signal but becarefull it is a Green Colour candle (Bull candle). But please refer the Daily Chart, candle already penetrate MA White Colour Line and close at High Pattern.

For me the candle as it is close as high pattern candle at Daily Chart, on monday morning definately will perform next as Bearish Candle (Please dont belive me ok). If this situations happen, the candle try again to break the middle BB. But if it fail the candle will move upward and try to break again 1.4800 level (MA White colour) and move further up to test the 1.4900 Resistance area. From here it will test again 2009 high point at 1.5372.

Trading Range is from 1.4050 to 1.4850 area.

until then Good Luck.


Reminder :

This is for my Forex Student Educations predictions. All the predictions is base only for them and use with thier relevan indicator that they use. It is not for you and if happen you use it for your guidance and trading methode, I'm not guarenteed that it will meet your trading skil and gain profit. It is below your own merit or what so ever. If happen that you will get profit from this stupid prediction, you may Thanks Allah for giving you that opportunity. For those who needs my forex courses, please refer to this blog for further actions. Remember this - Your money is your responsiblity, not me. So you decide wether you want short cut way or you have to search all the entire years to get one simple stupid indicator. Because I've found this methode and got the secret after find it my own for more then 2 years period. ALLAH HU.

Friday, February 6, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 10.50 am (Malaysia)

Salam and Good Morning Malaysia.

Congratulations who manage to got more 200 pips yesterday. I've heard a women who just wait the candle reach Buy Area at 1.4431 and win more 200 pips. So do others and please becarefull because all the relevan price is only use for my education purpose with the relevan indicator. Without the indicator I'll cannot guarantee you to gain profit. If you need forex courses using my way, please booking asap. There are waiting list already and first come first serve.

Ok this is my predictions today:

BUY Area - 1.4565 (my target is 1.4650 - may go further up to 1.4750 area).

SELL Area - 1.4545 (my target is 1.4300 area).

Trading Range is between 1.4322 to 1.4701.

SELL Area : (From 1.4545)

Break 1.4322 area the price may drop to 1.4065 area in Few Days.

BUY Area : (From 1.4565)

Break 1.4701 area the price may go furthur up to 1.4750. If the candle meet and break this level, the candle will test to break this year high at 1.5372 in Few Days.

For Malaysian Only.

Tuan/Puan blog ini adalah untuk kegunaan student-student saya bagi memantapkan lagi pemahaman mereka keatas indicator dan penggunaan indicator yang saya ajarkan kepada mereka. Penggunaan blog ini adalah tertakluk kepada Discipline yang tinggi kepada indicator yang kami gunakan, saya tidak kata predictions saya ini betul atau tidak.

Oleh itu tanpa penggunaan indicator kami, anda dinasihatkan tidak menggunakan predictions saya. INGAT ITU. INGAT ITU. Jadi jika anda menggunakan BUY/SELL area saya dan gagal dalam trading anda, nasiblah sebab predictions ini bukan untuk anda. Hehehehehe... jangan marah.

Yang memberi komen itu di forum-forum, saya ucapkan terima kasih. Ada kawan dan ada lawan dan saya memang perlukan feed back sebegini bagi menilai pemahaman saya keatas pengetahuan saya selama 3 tahun dibidang Forex. Sebahagian dari anda saya kenal termasuk yang sedang tersangat promote Instaforex IB tu, hehehehe. Saya ikhlas beri kelas terbaik kepada orang Melayu di Malaysia. Kalau anak murid anda sendiri cari saya, kan bagus mereka boleh mendapat lebih pengetahuan dan pandai trade. Ini akan menguntungkan anda juga sebagai IB instaforex. Tak gitu.





Allah Hu.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 11.45 (Malaysia)

SELL Area - 1.4431 (my target is 1.4300 area - possiblely may drop further at 1.4200 area).

BUY Area - 1.4471 (my target is 1.4600 area).

As predicted yesterday my Buy Area at 1.4375 met handsomely as Hazwan and met my target at 1.4500 and close at 1.4576. After fail to break 1.4600 level, candle drop back to close at 1.4453. This consolidations movement is from the double bottom pattern candle from price at 1.4051 and fail to go further up. As I told before if candle fail to penetrade and open below R1 the candle may drop back and find Mr. Pivot again.

Today (morning) this movement is still continue and candle may drop back at S1 - 1.4326 and possibly may drop sharply to 1.4051 if the price break 1.4200 area. Fail to do so the candle may find back Mr. Pivot at 1.4451.

Look at H4 chart

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

4th February 2009 @ 11.15 am (Malaysia) For GBP/USD Pair

BUY Area - 1.4375 ( my target is 1.4500 area and if break this level will possiblely go further up to 1.4650 area)

SELL Area - 1.4333 (my target is 1.4250 and if break will drop further down to 1.3900 area).

Trading range is between 1.4050 to 1.4500 - if braek this level the candle will move further.

Yesterday both Buy and Sell Area met and Buy area met at my target 1.4050 but fail to break 1.4500 and close at 1.4483. From here the price drop to 1.4300 area at this moment. Look like is still in consolidations mood from the Bullish movement on monday at 1.4050.

So this consolidations look like will continues today to test 1.4600 area. If break 1.4600 area it possiblely in favor to further rise to break 1.4800 area. This resumption movement might happen today. Please dont belive me because if you open Monthly Chart, Inverted Head And Shoulder is still there and everybody is hopping this Chart Pattern movement will happen this month.

But if this not happen and price brake again try to break 1.4050 area or further.

Look at H4 chart - there is double bottom pattern from 1.4050 movement. That why candle go further up Yesterday but fail to test 1.4500 area and drop back to find Mr. Pivot again and will test middle line of BB. If next candle happen to break below middle line today, the candle will drop further down to test 1.4050 area.

Let see this happen today. Happy Trading for more pip and remember the discipline. Congrate who manage to get more 200 pip yesterday. But setting your target is better, because you will get your daily target. Dont hope to get hundreds of pips, because it will make you suffer sooner or later. Think of it.

For Malaysian Only.

Tuan/Puan blog ini adalah untuk kegunaan student-student saya bagi memantapkan lagi pemahaman mereka keatas indicator dan penggunaan indicator yang saya ajarkan kepada mereka. Penggunaan blog ini adalah tertakluk kepada Discipline yang tinggi kepada indicator yang kami gunakan, saya tidak kata predictions saya ini betul atau tidak.

Oleh itu tanpa penggunaan indicator kami, anda dinasihatkan tidak menggunakan predictions saya. INGAT ITU. INGAT ITU. Jadi jika anda menggunakan BUY/SELL area saya dan gagal dalam trading anda, nasiblah sebab predictions ini bukan untuk anda. Hehehehehe... jangan marah.

Yang memberi komen itu di forum-forum, saya ucapkan terima kasih. Ada kawan dan ada lawan dan saya memang perlukan feed back sebegini bagi menilai pemahaman saya keatas pengetahuan saya selama 3 tahun dibidang Forex. Sebahagian dari anda saya kenal termasuk yang sedang tersangat promote Instaforex IB tu, hehehehe. Saya ikhlas beri kelas terbaik kepada orang Melayu di Malaysia. Kalau anak murid anda sendiri cari saya, kan bagus mereka boleh mendapat lebih pengetahuan dan pandai trade. Ini akan menguntungkan anda juga sebagai IB instaforex. Tak gitu.





Allah Hu.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

3rd February 2009 @ 11.30 am (Malaysia) - GBP/USD Pair

SELL Area - 1.4221 - My Target is 1.4050

BUY Area - 1.4251 - My Target is 1.4350


Market is still on corections from yesterday pullback from price 1.4050 area.

Becarefull of the reverse signal.

Allah Hu.

Monday, February 2, 2009

02 February 2009 @ 9.50 am (Malaysia) GBP/USD Pair

BUY Area - 1.4411 ( my target 1.4500 after that possiblely up to 1.4600 area)

SELL Area - 1.4375 (my target 1.4250 - break this level will drop to test support at 1.4187.)

If you read my last predictions on saturday January 1st (blog date Friday 30th January 2009) you should follow my tips and gain at least 100 pips today. All my 4 sell positions on Bearish that I located on Friday close this morning. Because I have to belive my indicator to gain profit. So the moral of this predictions is Trade On What You See, not on what you Think. Be a discipline trader and join small trader group to discuss each other.

What next today. I will put it in a while and please wait. Until then read my latest predictions on friday/saturday.

Remember this the market is still on Consolidations on Bullish mood, continues from Friday move.

Allah Hu.


Look at the H4 chart - the candle is between MA white line and MA Aqua line. The candle 4 hours before perform inverted hammer and try to reach middle line of Band. It should try to break the middle line. But if the candle penetrate the middle line and open below middle band, the market should be Bearish. But if it fail the candle will go further up to meet 1.4500 area.

RSI 14 is flat and so do Marker switcher. ATR is going down, look is very strong to support the candle. Anyway the market is ranging righ now and better look and see or doing others thing... better dont go in the market right now.

For me it is not confirm yet and the market is still in Bullish mood continues from last week consolidations move. Try to be more discipline today and confirm all the indi.


ps - This is for Educations Purpose Only for me and to all my friends. I'm not responsible on all my preditions and if you choose to follow me it up to you. Your money is your responsible not me. All the relevan indicator I've used from my experienced trading in 3 years and on all my forex courses that I've attended. Few people enquiry that I used thier Indicator for my forex clases. It up to you to think it man, I've paid all the relevan fees and the knowledge is mine after I attended your courses. Most of them are from my reading sources that I've got it from the Internet. Allah Hu.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Are You Strong Enought To Start Back Your Trading Skill

mesages from weboma:

It is not a good idea to start the day with something that makes you cry specially during the weekend but sometimes something that makes you cry is more pleasant than a million funny jokes because it pushes some of the buttons in your heart that you really needed them to be pushed long time ago.

All of us like to try and succeed but most of us give up after some trying whereas success always comes after a long period of trial and failure.

This website is supposed to be focused on forex but although this video has nothing to do with forex apparently, it is one of the most important videos that those who want to become a good forex trader HAVE to watch several times specially when they fail after another trial.

I hope this video makes a big change in the life of those who really need to make a change in their lives.

That Us Before

That is us before.

Let explore more forex Secret onward.

Just click the chart and read it now.

Allah Hu.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

GBP/USD Pair Next Week - My Predictions !!!

What Happen On Friday:

As aspected on friday :

Candle open below pivot and drop but fail to break S1 at 1.4186 and performed spining top candle for reverse signal. After that candle break Mr. Pivot and goes further up to break R1 at 1.4358 and break 1.4508 Level but close at 1.4493 price - below the 1.4500 level.

Let look at the H4 chart and candle end at close high patern and already break top of BB line. It supposed to go back inside the BB area but stop outside the BB area.

Looks at the RSI 7 - already get flat patern and no sign that the RSI have enought strange to goes up. But ATR happen to goes down and Marker Switcher is already on Maximum strange.

I aspects next week start on Monday, the candle will move to enter back the BB area and may performed down candle to find Mr. Pivot at the first place. My reason is:

1. Candle Close on High Close Patern - as usual must perform down candle on next move. So do candle on weekly chart - just see ok.

2. Candle already outside BB - as usual must get in the the BB cage and will definately find Mr. Pivot again or middle line.

3. On daily chart - candle already met middle of BB and was block by upper channel line.

4. RSI 7 already on over bought area and in weak strange - must drop back.

5. Candle fail to break the R2 area and close below 1.4500 area. As usual will drop back to find Mr. Pivot again to test last support at 1.4109 area.

If all this happen and candle brake on monday Pivot point, the candle will try to break last week low at 1.3541 level. Until then let see this happen or not. If not happen the candle will try to break 1.4600 area. I've repeated if this not happen the candle will find further up to 1.4600 area.

PLEASE DONT BELIVE ME. Good luck to you and happy holiday for all FT worker.


This is only my predictions and please don't belive me. Let see what will happen next week.


British Pound Outlook Hinges on BOE Rate Decision, Policy Statement

Fundamental Outlook for British Pound: Bearish

- GfK consumer confidence tumbled to a 6-month low, savings intentions plunged to record low
- British pound benefited from surprise rise in UK mortgage approvals, Barclays news
- BOE MPC Member Blanchflower issues dovish comments, says BOE should cut rates “further and quickly”

The British pound was the strongest of all the majors last week, as the currency trades in a highly speculative manner and attempts to recoup the massive losses accumulated between October 2008 and January 2009. However, with both Credit Suisse overnight index swaps and a Bloomberg News poll reflecting expectations that the Bank of England will cut rates by another 50 basis points at 7:00 ET on Thursday to a new record low of 1 percent, it’s worth wondering how far this British pound rally can extend.

There are few doubts that the BOE will at least consider slashing rates again since the UK remains in a deep recession and officials anticipate that things will only get worse. In fact, BOE Monetary Policy Committee Member David Blanchflower, who is easily the most outspoken and dovish member on the Committee, said on January 29 that the UK economy may face a recession worse than that of the one in the 1980’s and that the Bank Rate needs to be cut “further and quickly.” Furthermore, he said that the MPC has considered their options in the case that the Bank Rate is cut to zero, which was quite timely comment when you consider that Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling gave the BOE permission today to buy 50 billion pounds worth of bond and commercial paper in order to alleviate tight credit conditions. Overall, this leaves the odds in favor of year another rate cut by the BOE on February 5, but the reaction of the British pound may depend on what sort of bias is reflected in the Monetary Policy Committee’s subsequent statement. As we saw with the reaction of GBP/USD to the BOE’s last rate cut, rallies in the pair are possible if the MPC leaves no indications that they will cut rates further. On the other hand, suggestions that the markets are correct to price in additional reductions could send the British pound the way of the New Zealand dollar following the RBNZ’s rate decision on January 28: down. – TB

ps - This is for Educations Purpose Only for me and to all my friends. I'm not responsible on all my preditions and if you choose to follow me it up to you. Your money is your responsible not me. All the relevan indicator I've used from my experienced trading in 3 years and on all my forex courses that I've attended. Few people enquiry that I used thier Indicator for my forex clases. It up to you to think it man, I've paid all the relevan fees and the knowledge is mine after I attended your courses. Most of them are from my reading sources that I've got it from the Internet. Allah Hu.

Friday, January 30, 2009

30th January 2009 @ 11.00 am (Malaysia) - GBP/USD Pair

SELL Area - 1.4231 - ( my target is at 1.4050 after that 1.3950)

BUY Area - 1.4271 - ( my target is at 1.4471)

As predicted yesterday both SELL (1.4221) and BUY Area (1.4261) met handsomely and beautifully. Sell area fail to break my target (1.4025) and close at 1.4071 (different of 46 pip) so it rebound back to find Mr. Pivot as aspected. Buy area also fail to met my target (1.4450) and drop back to find Mr. Pivot (different of 39 pips).

Let see H4 chart - on Sell positions yesterday morning candle try to break middle line of BB. Then rebound and cross sharply Mr. Pivot and MA white colour. But was stop by MA Brown Colour as aspected before. From there it try to break middle line of BB and was stop again today by MA white colour and middle line of BB again. If next candle it fail to break the white colour line, the candle suppose to rebound at yesterday high at 1.4411 area and if it break the candle will go further up to test 1.4600 area at MA Yellow colour.

But if it penetrade the white colour line, the candle will drop deeper to try yesterday low at 1.4071 and will test 1.3900 to 1.3700 area again.

Let see this happen my friends. Until then Good Luck.

Allah Hu. Palestine for peace world. Make 2009 no war year - stop the killing. Stop Zionis - baby killer.

ps - This is for Educations Purpose Only for me and to all my friends. I'm not responsible on all my preditions and if you choose to follow me it up to you. Your money is your responsible not me. All the relevan indicator I've used from my experienced trading in 3 years and on all my forex courses that I"ve attended. Few people enquiry that I used thier Indicator for my forex clases. It up to you to think it man, I've paid all the relevan fees and the knowledge is mine after I attended your courses. Most of them are from my reading sources that I've got it from the Internet. Allah Hu.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

29th January 2009 @ 11.55 am (Malaysia) - GBP/USD Pair

SELL Area - 1.4221 ( My target is 1.4025 and after that 1.3850)


Yesterday all may first and second target met handsomely as Hazwan he is. As I've predicted yesterday, if the candle fail to break the 1.4430 level, it may find back Mr. pivot again. At 3.00 am (Malaysia Clock) the US announced that thier rate maintain at 0.25%, the candle without shy when to meet Mr. Pivot. Today the candle when deeper to meet my target on Sell area - 1.4025. If the candle break this level the candle will drop more further to meet my second target at 1.3850 area.

Let see this happen today my friends. After that no doubt the candle posiblely will find 2009 Low at 1.3500 again in Few Day and try to make new low at 1.4300 level.

Let see the H4 chart and look at the Yellow Line - the candle open below the Yellow line and the candle when deeper to find middle line of BB. If next candle break this line and open below BB, the candle will beautifully as Ms. Misha drop to find monday Low.

But if the candle fail to break 1.4000 level the candle will when back to meet Mr. Pivot again.

Until then let confirm our indicator and please be more discipline as usual.

BUY Area - 1.4261 ( My target is 1.4450 - if break this level the candle will go further up to 1.4650 Level in few days)

Good Luck. Allah Hu.

ps - This is for Educations Purpose Only for me and to all my friends. I'm not responsible on all my preditions and if you choose to follow me it up to you. Your money is your responsible not me. All the relevan indicator I've used from my experienced trading in 3 years and on all my forex courses that I"ve attended. Few people enquiry that I used thier Indicator for my forex clases. It up to you to think it man, I've paid all the relevan fees and the knowledge is mine after I attended your courses. Most of them are from my reading sources that I've got it from the Internet. Allah Hu.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

28 January 2009 @ 11.00 am (Malaysia) - GBP/USD Pair

BUY Area - 4.137 (My target is 1.4250 after that at 4.4350)

As aspected yesterday GBP/USD reached my target at 1.4200 area and stop at 1.4240. This consolidations may continues if it break 1.4250 and from here the market will try to break 1.4400 area. If this happen in few days then the candle will try to break 1.4600 area. From here if it fail the candle already completed the consolidations and will when back to find the pivot point again at 1.4117.

From the H4 chart candle already open on the white MA colour. If it penetrate the MA Yelow colour the candle may go further at 1.4430 point. Fail to do so the candle will when back to meet Mr. Pivot again. Let see this happen my friends. InsyaAllah.

SELL Area - 1.4097 (My target is 1.3850)

Initial support is at 1.4025 and 1.3850. If break this 2 point the candle may drop deeper to 1.3500 area in few days.


Allah Hu.

ps - This is for Educations Purpose Only for me and to all my friends. I'm not responsible on all my preditions and if you choose to follow me it up to you. Your money is your responsible not me. All the indicator relevan is use from my experienced trading in 3 years and on all my forex courses that I attended. Few people enquiry that I used thier Indicator for my forex clases. It up to you to think it man, I've paid all the relevan fees and the knowledge is mine after I attended your courses. Most of them are from my reading sources that I've got it from the Internet. Allah Hu.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

27th January 2009 @ 10.30 am (Malaysia) GBP/USD Pair

BUY Area - 1.3877 (My first target is 1.4150)

SELL Area - 1.3837 (My target is 1.3500)

Yesterday as expected the candle when deeper to break this year Low at 1.3500 but only manage to meet 1.3547. From here without shy GBP/USD rebounded more 500 pip and break the initial resistance at 1.4025 and ended at 1.4064.

Today we expected this consolidations may countinues and the candle may try to break 1.4200 area as I mention on sunday report and if this happen the downtrend from 1.5372 price already accomplished and left the 24 year olds low at 1.3497 only if 1.4350 level break.

If this not happen the candle will try back to make a third try after yesterday move to break the 24 year Low at 1.3497 area to make new Low again at 1.3200 area.

Now look at H4 chart, if the candle penetrate the MA white colour line, the candle may go further up to break the R1 at 1.4171. If not the candle will try to find the Pivot point again at 1.3859. It is possible the candle will move deeper as we predict before. Let see what next my friends. Please refer to all your indicator and be more discipline.

Good Luck.

Allah Hu.

Monday, January 26, 2009

26 January 2009 @ 11.30 am (Malaysia) - GBP/USD Pair

SELL Area - 1.3707 (my target is 1.3500. Then possiblely may go deeper to 1.3200 area)

BUY Area - 1.3750 (my target is 1.4025 then if break 1.4500 area the market will confirm on bullish trend).

As I've told to you on 24th January 2009 here, the market is still Bearish and as we expected there will be a gap today. The candle still in consolidations mood continues from Friday move and try to break the pivot on the first place.

On H4 Chart candle still below red MA line and the market will still BEARISH this morning Malaysian time. Please be aware on all reversal signal and please confirm all m5 and m30 discipline. Without discipline you are a failure trader and please put stop lost for 60 pips and do mathematical plan on loosing positions.

Allah Hu.

ps --- dont bother about the Gap just confirm your indicator before enter positions.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


GBP/USD pair as predicted last week already broke the 1.3500 target at 1.3497 price on 23rd January 2009. Congratulation to all my student who achived the target point. After that it rebound and close at 1.3798 before the market end.

Before the market end at 04.00 am Malaysia Clock, GBP/USD is in consolidations mood and rebounded for 300 pip. I've expected this consolidations will continued till monday morning Malaysia Clock. If the price break at 1.4025 the candle will try to move further up to 1.4200 level. Breaking 1.4350 level that mean the market will go further up to test this year High at 1.5372.

But if it fail the canddle will when back decline to test the 24 years old Low Level at 1.3500. From here the candle will move deeper at 1.3300 Level or further to 1.3200 level.

With more news will emerge next week and expected not in favor to GBP, no doubt next week will start from monday the Market for GBP/USD will be More BEARISH to break the 24 year Low. If this happen we will see the new Low and no doubt we will see GBP/USD will meet August 1983 Low at 1.3000 Level.

THE MAJOR TREND IS STILL BEARISH - but the GBP/USD will start on bullish for continues consolidations on Friday night move, please be aware this on early morning on monday.

Until then please read all relevan analysis given to you before and try to be more discipline by referring all the indicator principle as told before. Dont forget the Basic of M30/M5/H1.



Written by Jamie Saettele, Senior Currency Strategist
The GBPUSD continues to slump, having nearly touched 1.35 this morning. There are a number of valid counts from the current juncture (the decline from 1.5728 could be wave b of an expanded flat). The above count treats the decline from 1.5728 as wave 5 of the decline from 2.1160 (2007 high).

This decline is nearing its end as it is finishing up wave iii. A 4th wave correction (resistance near 1.40) may lead to one more leg down prior to a significant low is in place. A rally above 1.4347 would begin to make the picture more immediately bullish.


That is us before.

Let explore more forex Secret onward.

Allah Hu.

Peringatan Untuk Semua Umat Mohamad S.A.W


Assalam Mu'alaikum Wbrth!!! Sahabat semua...bacalah....

Ya Allah... takutnyer... bacelah sampai habis.. skjap jer..
x smp 5 minit..pun!!!

YA ALLAH YA RAHMAN YA RAHIM, lindunglilah dan peliharakanlah kami, kedua ibubapa kami, isteri kami, anak-anak kami, kaum keluarga kami & semua orang Islam dari azab seksa api nerakaMu YA ALLAH.

Sesungguhnya kami tidak layak untuk menduduki syurgaMu YA ALLAH, namun tidak pula kami sanggup untuk ke nerakaMu YA ALLAH.

Ampunilah dosa-dosa kami, terimalah taubat kami dan terimalah segala ibadah dan amalan kami dengan RAHMATMU YA ALLAH......AMIN.....

: Luasnya Neraka :.

Yazid Arraqqasyi dari Anas bin Malik ra. berkata: Jibrail datang kepada Nabi saw pada waktu yg ia tidak biasa datang dalam keadaan berubah mukanya,

maka ditanya oleh nabi s..a.w.: 'Mengapa aku melihat kau berubah muka?'

Jawabnya: 'Ya Muhammad, aku datang kepadamu di saat Allah menyuruh supaya dikobarkan penyalaan api neraka, maka tidak layak bagi orang yg mengetahui bahawa neraka Jahannam itu benar, dan siksa kubur itu benar, dan siksa Allah itu terbesar untuk bersuka-suka sebelum ia merasa
aman dari padanya.'

Lalu nabi s.a.w. bersabda: 'Ya Jibrail, jelaskan padaku sifat

Jawabnya: 'Ya. Ketika Allah menjadikan Jahannam, maka dinyalakan selama seribu tahun, sehingga merah, kemudian dilanjutkan seribu tahun sehingga putih, kemudian seribu tahun sehingga hitam, maka ia hitam gelap, tidak pernah padam nyala dan baranya. Demi Allah yg mengutus engkau dengan hak, andaikan terbuka sebesar lubang jarum nescaya akan dapat membakar penduduk dunia semuanya kerana panasnya.

Demi Allah yg mengutus engkau dengan hak, andaikan satu baju ahli neraka itu digantung di antara langit dan bumi nescaya akan mati penduduk bumi kerana panas dan basinya.

Demi Allah yg mengutus engkau dengan hak, andaikan satu pergelangan dari rantai yg disebut dalam Al-Quran itu diletakkan di atas bukit, nescaya akan cair sampai ke bawah
bumi yg ke tujuh.

Demi Allah yg mengutus engkau dengan hak, andaikan seorang di hujung barat tersiksa, nescaya akan terbakar orang-orang yang di hujung timur kerana sangat panasnya, Jahannam itu sangat dalam dan perhiasannya besi dan minumannya air panas campur nanah dan pakaiannya potongan-potongan api.

Api neraka itu ada tujuh pintu, tiap-tiap pintu ada bahagiannya yang tertentu dari orang laki-laki dan perempuan.'

Nabi s.a.w. bertanya: 'Apakah pintu-pintunya bagaikan pintu-pintu rumah kami?'

Jawabnya: 'Tidak, tetapi selalu terbuka, setengahnya di
bawah dari lainnya, dari pintu ke pintu jarak perjalanan 70,000 tahun, tiap pintu lebih panas dari yang lain 70 kali ganda.' (nota kefahaman: iaitu yg lebih bawah lebih panas)

Tanya Rasulullah s.a.w.: 'Siapakah penduduk masing-masing pintu?'
Jawab Jibrail:
'Pintu yg terbawah untuk orang-orang munafik, dan orang-orang yg kafir setelah diturunkan hidangan mukjizat nabi Isa a.s. serta keluarga Fir'aun sedang namanya Al-Hawiyah.
Pintu kedua tempat orang-orang musyrikin bernama Jahim,

Pintu ketiga tempat orang shobi'in bernama Saqar.

Pintu ke empat tempat Iblis dan pengikutnya dari kaum majusi bernama Ladha,

Pintu kelima orang yahudi bernama Huthomah.

Pintu ke enam tempat orang nasara bernama Sa'eir.'

Kemudian Jibrail diam segan pada Rasulullah s.a.w. sehingga ditanya: 'Mengapa tidak kau terangkan penduduk pintu ke tujuh?'

Jawabnya: 'Di dalamnya orang-orang yg berdosa besar dari ummatmu yg sampai mati belum sempat bertaubat.'

Maka nabi s.a.w. jatuh pingsan ketika mendengar keterangan itu, sehingga Jibrail meletakkan kepala nabi s.a.w. di pangkuannya sehingga sedar kembali dan

sesudah sadar nabi saw bersabda: 'Ya Jibrail, sungguh besar kerisauanku dan sangat sedihku, apakah ada seorang dari ummat ku yang akan masuk ke dalam neraka?'

Jawabnya: 'Ya, iaitu orang yg berdosa besar dari ummatmu.'

Kemudian nabi s.a.w.. menangis, Jibrail juga menangis, kemudian nabi s.a.w. masuk ke dalam rumahnya dan tidak keluar kecuali untuk sembahyang kemudian kembali dan tidak berbicara dengan orang dan bila sembahyang
selalu menangis dan minta kepada Allah.(dipetik dari kitab 'Peringatan Bagi Yg Lalai')

Dari Hadith Qudsi: Bagaimana kamu masih boleh melakukan maksiat sedangkan kamu tak dapat bertahan dengan panasnya terik matahari Ku.

Tahukah kamu bahawa neraka jahanamKu itu:

1. Neraka Jahanam itu mempunyai 7 tingkat

2. Setiap tingkat mempunyai 70,000 daerah

3. Setiap daerah mempunyai 70,000 kampung

4. Setiap kampung mempunyai 70,000 rumah

5. Setiap rumah mempunyai 70,000 bilik

6. Setiap bilik mempunyai 70,000 kotak

7. Setiap kotak mempunyai 70,000 batang pokok zarqum

8. Di bawah setiap pokok zarqum mempunyai 70,000 ekor

9. Di dalam mulut setiap ular yang panjang 70 hasta
mengandungi lautan racun yang hitam pekat.

10. Juga di bawah setiap pokok zarqum mempunyai
70,000 rantai

11. Setiap rantai diseret oleh 70,000 malaikat

Mudah-mudahan ini dapat menimbulkan keinsafan kepada kita semua.....Wallahua'lam.

Al-Quran Surah Al- Baqarah Ayat 159

Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang menyembunyikan apa yang telah Kami turunkan dari keterangan-keterangan dan petunjuk hidayat, sesudah Kami terangkannya kepada manusia di dalam Kitab Suci, mereka itu dilaknat oleh Allah dan dilaknat oleh sekalian makhluk.

Dari Abdullah bin 'Amr R.A,

Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda:' Sampaikanlah pesanku biarpun satu ayat..


Disebutkan di dalam satu riwayat, bahawasanya apabila para makhluk dibangkitkan dari kubur, mereka semuanya berdiri tegak di kubur masing-masing selama 44 tahun UMUR AKHIRAT dalam keadaan TIDAK MAKAN dan TIDAK MINUM, TIDAK DUDUK dan TIDAKBERCAKAP.

Bertanya orang kepada Rasulullah saw : 'Bagaimana kita dapat mengenali ORANG-ORANG MUKMIN kelak di hari qiamat?'

Maka jawabnya Rasulullah saw 'Umatku dikenali kerana WAJAH mereka putih disebabkan oleh WUDHU'.' Bila qiamat datang maka malaikat datang ke kubur orang mukmin sambil membersihkan debu di badan mereka KECUALI pada tempat sujud. Bekas SUJUD tidak dihilangkan.

Maka memanggillah dari zat yang memanggil.. Bukanlah debu 'itu dari debu kubur mereka, akan tetapi debu itu ialah debu KEIMANAN' mereka. Oleh itu tinggallah debu itu sehingga mereka melalui titian' Siratul Mustaqim dan memasuki Alam SYURGA, sehingga setiap orang melihat para mukmin itu mengetahui bahawa mereka adalah pelayan Ku dan hamba-hamba Ku.

Disebutkan oleh hadith Rasulullah saw bahawa sepuluh orang yang mayatnya TIDAK BUSUK dan TIDAK REPUT dan akan bangkit dalam tubuh asal diwaktu mati :-
1. Para Nabi
2 Para Ahli Jihad
3. Para Alim Ulama
4. Para Syuhada
5. Para Penghafal Al Quran
6. Imam atau Pemimpin yang Adil
7. Tukang Azan
8. Wanita yang mati kelahiran/beranak
9. Orang mati dibunuh atau dianiaya
10. Orang yang mati di siang hari atau di malam Jumaat jika mereka
itu dari kalangan orang yang beriman.

Didalam satu riwayat yang lain dari Jabir bin Abdullah ra sabda Rasulullah saw: Apabila datang hari QIAMAT dan orang-orang yang berada di dalam kubur dibangkitkan maka Allah swt memberi wahyu kepada Malaikat Ridhwan:
' Wahai Ridhwan, sesungguhnya Aku telah mengeluarkan hamba-hamba Ku berpuasa ( Ahli Puasa ) dari kubur mereka di dalam keadaan letih dan dahaga. Maka ambillah dan berikan mereka segala makanan yang digoreng dan buah-buahan SYURGA. '

Maka Malaikat Ridhwan menyeru, wahai sekelian kawan-kawan dan semua anak-anak yang belum baligh, lalu mereka semua datang dengan membawa dulang dari nur dan berhimpun dekat Malaikat Ridhwan bersama dulang yang penuh dengan buahan dan minuman yang lazat dari syurga dengan sangat banyak melebihi daun-daun kayu di bumi.

Jika Malaikat Ridhwan berjumpa mukmin maka dia memberi makanan itu kepada mereka sambil mengucap sebagaimana yang difirman oleh Allah swt di dalam Surah Al-Haqqah bermaksud :
'Makan dan minumlah dengan sedap disebabkan AMAL yang telah kamu kerjakan pada HARI yang telah LALU itu.'

* Tolong sebarkan kisah ini kepada saudara Islam yang lain.

Ilmu yang bermanfaat ialah salah satu amal yang berkekalan bagi orang yang mengajarnya meskipun dia sudah mati. ' Dan ( ingatlah ) Allah sentiasa mengetahui dengan mendalam akan apa jua yang kamu lakukan.' Surah Al-Baqarah : 237

Untuk renungan dan amalan bersama ...


Saturday, January 24, 2009

What Next For Pair GBP/USD .... Read

GBP/USD pair as predicted last week already broke the 1.3500 target at 1.3497 price on 23rd January 2009. Congratulation to all my student who achived the target point. After that it rebound and close at 1.3798 before the market end.

Before the market end at 04.00 am Malaysia Clock, GBP/USD is in consolidations mood and rebounded for 300 pip. I've expected this consolidations will continued till monday morning Malaysia Clock. If the price break at 1.4025 the candle will try to move further up to 1.4200 level. But if it fail the canddle will when back decline to test the 24 years old Low Level at 1.3500. From here the candle will move deeper at 1.3300 Level or further to 1.3200 level.

With more news will emerge next week and expected not in favor to GBP, no doubt next week will start from monday the Market for GBP/USD will be More BEARISH to break the 24 year Low. If this happen we will see the new Low and no doubt we will see GBP/USD will meet August 1983 Low at 1.3000 Level.

Until then please read all relevan analysis given to you before and try to be more discipline by referring all the indicator principle as told before. Dont forget the Basic of M30/M5/H1.



Written by Jamie Saettele, Senior Currency Strategist
The GBPUSD continues to slump, having nearly touched 1.35 this morning. There are a number of valid counts from the current juncture (the decline from 1.5728 could be wave b of an expanded flat). The above count treats the decline from 1.5728 as wave 5 of the decline from 2.1160 (2007 high).

This decline is nearing its end as it is finishing up wave iii. A 4th wave correction (resistance near 1.40) may lead to one more leg down prior to a significant low is in place. A rally above 1.4347 would begin to make the picture more immediately bullish.

Friday, January 23, 2009

23 January 2009 @ 01.20 pm (Malaysia) GBP/USD Pair

SELL Area - 1.3829 ( MY TARGET IS 1.3611 and if it happen the candle will go deeper to 1.3300 area).

BUY Area - 1.3871 ( my target is 1.4025 level)

TODAY IS A BEARISH DAY, Yes Is a Bearish Day.

It will happen if the candle break the 8 years Low at 1.3611. If this movement fail the candle will try to break again 1.4000 area and go further up to 1.4980 level.

Please use the basic of the indicator discipline and please be alert on all reversing signal.

Initial resistance is at 1.4025

Trading range is between 1.3611 - 1.4025

Please see the H4 chart, all candle performed below middle line BB and already broke the semetrical TL. It's possible to drop deeper to my target today 1.3611 or furthur decline. If this not happen the Inverted Head And Shoulder reverse signal on Daily Chart is still on.

Let see this happen guys.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

22 January 2009 @ 11.40 am (Malaysia) - GBP/USD Pair

BUY Area - 1.3859 - (My target is 1.4060)

SELL Area - 1.3817 - (my target is 1.3617)

Why Buy Today (Bullish):

Let explore Monthly chart. It already perform Inverted Head And Shoulder or tripple bottom. Looks like the downtrend already accomplished from the Downtrend move at the 1.5372 area. From the 2009 High (1.5372) candle when deeper to 18 years New Low at 1.3617 area. Then it bounce back to close 1.3874 area yesterday.

On H4 chart new candle perform on top of today Pivot at 1.3828 and the candle try to go higher and try to break 1.4000 area. Yesterday candle close with doji and give a good reversal signal.

Anyway the major trend is still in Bearish mood - that mean no doubt that the candle may try to break the 18 years New Low price at 1.3617, after the consolidations bullish move end today.

Resistance is at 1.4250 and let see what happen next. For me I will take the consolidations movement and take a long positions and make a 55 pips trailing stop.

It up to you man your money is your responsible. Please put a 60 pips Stop Lost. If the market against you why dont you do a math solutions to minimise your lost or perhap gave you a very big win today. Who knows and only Allah knew better.

Allah Hu.

Good Luck.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

21 January 2009 @ 11.40 am (Malaysia) -GBP/USD Pair

SELL Area - 1.4017 ( my target is at 1.3811 and if this happen the candle may go further to 1.3500 level).

BUY Area - 1.4039 ( my target is at 1.4180 and if this point meet, the candle will move furthur up to 1.4261)

As expected before, the candle already break the support point at 1.4350 (6 years low) and already broke it easily. My target at 1.4200 broken and as expected already go deeper decline to 1.4000 area. Please read my predictions on 20th January 2009 and from that price the candle when deeper to the new 6 years low at 1.3811.

What Next:

Initial resistance is at 1.4060 and 1.4180. As long as this price hold (not broken)more furthur decline is still possible. The candle may try to break the low price for the second time and drop deeper to 1.3500 level or further. InsyaAllah.

Initial support is at 1.4350 and 1.3811.

Trading range is between 1.3800 area to 1.5372 (2009 high)





Happy Trading.

Allah Hu....

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

20 January 2009 @ 7.40 am (Malaysia) GBP/USD Pair

SELL Area - 1.4559 - ( my Target is at 1.4350 and after that can go down further to 1.4220)

BUY Area - 1.4603 - ( my target is at 1.4665 and after that may further up to 1.4781 - 1.4975 area).

Yesterday as expected Candle drop to break 6 years low at 1.4350 and stop at 1.4357 - fail again to break this support point, before bounce back to 1.4400 level this morning at 7.30 am, (Malaysia). If it break the 1.4581 point candle may go further up to 1.4600 to 1.4800 area. If this not happen candle will once again try back to break the 1.4350 point and from there it will go down further to 1.4200 area. No doubt in FEW DAYS the price may drops to 1.4000 area.

As I told you right the beginning before you started to learn your first lesson from me, the market for GBP/USD are BEARISH Trend and the bottom line is 1.3500 level. Many of trader hard to belive this and now the price is going to drop at 1.4000 Level in few weeks. Let see this happen.

INITIAL RESISTANCE NOW IS AT 1.4450 AREA - break this point the market should go further at 1.4600 area.

INITIAL SUPPORT IS at 1.4250 AREA - if happen to break again, the price will go deeper to 1.3500 area in few days.

Good Luck.


Monday, January 19, 2009

19 January 2009 @ 11.20 am (Malaysia) GBP/USD Pair

BUY Area - 1.4813 (My target is 1.4950. May go further to 1.5372. From here it may go further to 1.5600 area if possible)

SELL Area - 1.4772 ( My target is 1.4655. If break this level may down further to 1.4600. If this happen the candle may go down further to 1.4350 Level)

Resistance Point : 1.4870, 1.4980, 1.5050
Support Point : 1.4630, 1.4555, 1.4475
Trading Range : 1.4474 - 1.4980
Trend : Potential Correction

Good Luck.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

GBP/USD Pair What Next - My Predictions On Monday

GU already perform Low Price at 1.4350 and then bounce back to 2009 high at 1.5372 (MA Purple colour) on 7th January 2009 then when back to last week low at 1.4474 on 15th January 2009. From 1.4474 it already perform double bottom and bounce back to 1.4979 and fail to break 1.5000 level. From here it drop to 1.4655 and close today at 1.4741.

So what next:

On the H4 chart new candle open below MA white colour and the candle suppose to go to middle of BB line. If it break the middle line, I expect the candle will again try to break this year low at 1.4373. From here it will try to break the 6 years Low at 1.4350 and may go further down at 1.4200 area.

If it fail to break at 1.4350 area, the chart again perform triple bottom and again will try to brake this year high at 1.5372 and go further up for further rally onward.

That is my predictions and please dont belive me. Trade on what you see, not on what we think to be. The major trend is still Bearish and hope we will get more pips next week.

Please be Alert:


KEY SUPPORT = 1.4350


This is only my predictions and it is my view on next week move and never guaranteed. If it meets your requirement and indicators just follow and if not just ignore it. Your trading on your money is your responsible and if you need my training just contact me by phone to books your seat. First come first serve.

Until then Good Luck to all my student and happy trading, inysaAllah.

Allah Hu.

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Friday, January 16, 2009

16 January 2009 @ 3.00 pm (Malaysia) GBP/USD Pair:

Happy Birthday To Me... yes today is my Brithday and sorry for the late predictions from me. What I see today is the continues yesterday predictions. Please read my predictions on 15th January 2009 for Buy Area. It already broke the 1.4700 area so the candle without shy already go sharply bullish. I hope you all will get it and take this opportunity.

So What Next:

This is my predictions at this moment. The Candle is retesting this year High at 1.5372 and the initial support is still at this year low at 1.4350. Then from here if it fail to go further the H4 will perform double Top and the candle will again retest back to 1.4350 at 2009 low and if this happen it will try to go further down to 1.4200 area in few days.

If you noticed yesterday on H4 chart the candle already performed a double bottom line (double blue triangle on the chart and please refer) and that why after that the candle go up further to 400 pips at this moment. Read back on the fx analysis given to you before.

Let see what happen next and remember my advice to you, please trade on what you see not on what you think to be next. All indictor are relible and please be aware all the reverse signal. The oil and gold price is getting down and please be alert on any news emerge today.



Thursday, January 15, 2009

15 January 2009 @12.01pm (Malaysia) - GBP/USD Pair:

SELL Area - 1.4583 (my target is 1.4450 and if meet this price the candle will go deeper and try to break this year Low price at 1.4350)

BUY Area - 1.4625 (my target is 1.4661 - 1.4750 area)

The Market Still Bearish at this moment. Yesterday it met 6 January 2009 low at 1.5001 and bounce back to 1.4700 area. Today it will try to break 1.5001 and if this happen will go deeper to 1.4450 - 1.4350. If this happen it will perform news yearly Low and may go further deeper at 1.4200 area within few days.

But if this not happen and the candle break 1.4700 area, it will find back january 2009 high at 1.5372.

Please becarefull and please refer to those analysis given to you before from me. Please also aware all the reverse signal and dont forget Mr. Pivot as your big resistance today.

Allah Hu. Save the Palestine for Allah.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

14 JANUARY 2009 @ 11.30 am (Malaysia) - GBP/USD Pair

SELL Area - 1.4577 (My target is 1.4372 and possiblely further)

BUY Area - 1.4621

Congratulations to all my frens who follow my tips yesterday. I've heard some of you got more 100 pips and some got 200 pips. Get more confident now using what discipline I've told you. Please Trade what you see, be discipline and trade a pair only not to many pair at a time. Be patient and not so confident oldo you made profit everytime you trade. Becarefull of the reversal signal and follow the news especially Oil/Gold price may effect the GBP.

The Market is still Bearish and the initial resistance is at 1.4600 to 1.4700. If this position hold today the price will go deeper at this year low at 1.4350 or down further.

If the price break above 1.4700 area, the short term downtrend already completed and left double bottom at H4 chart. From here the price will possiblely go further up to find 1.4900 area in few days.

Good Luck.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

13 January 2009 @ 12.30 pm (Malaysia) -GBP/USD Pair.

SELL Area - 1.4891 (my target is 1.4650)

BUY Area - 1.4929

Yesterday the pair breaks the initial support at below 1.4983 and leave the short term high at 1.5372 ( 8th January 2009). Initial resistance is now at 1.4909 area and as long as this point hold, the price may drop to 1.4500 area or further to yearly low at 1.4350 in few days.

But please looks at the relevan indicator before you make the decision to enter the market. All the indi at m5/m30/H1/H4 are in bottom line and should make a corections before they perform new short term bearish. Please be aware about this or you will lost something.

Let see this happen my friends and please confirm your indi and the dicipline you already learn. Trade what you see not what you think.

Give me some comments and maybe my prediction is wrong and we may learn together.

Allah Hu.... save the Palestine Ya Allah.

Monday, January 12, 2009

12 Dec 2009 @ 01.00 am (Malaysia)

SELL Area - 1.5187 - If the support break at 1.4983 the candle may go further down at1.4350 - my target is at 1.4850 only for today.

BUY Area - 1.5227 - break Friday high price possiblely candle will go to 1.5400 area and as long support hold at 1.4983 candle may go further at 1.5700 area.

Please confirm the m30/m5 displine and scalp is better today and please use RSI on m5 if you do. Happy trading pal and I'm feel tired but fresh after treks Gunung Nuang.

Tips From Money & Markets

Unemployment is hitting hard in January! A new, larger, wave of layoffs, postponed during the December holiday season, is hitting right now as we speak.

So if you think the announcement of 7.2% unemployment is shocking, wait till you see what’s coming next.

Millions more jobs will be lost. At the same time, retired Americans will suffer an across-the-board decline in investment income. And people of all walks of life will be scrambling to replace that money.

Gold is very cheap at this moment:

Adjusted for inflation, Gold should be above 1500without considering any boom. Many are wondering if commodities can continue to increase, without considering how depressed commodity prices were in the late 90's. An economy can live without services, or money, but people cannot decide not to eat or use Oil. Gold is money, the high price in Gold is reflective of investors concern about the value of money  any money. The US Dollar is a reserve currency so when USD goes down, so do many other currencies. The majority of USD holders are foreigners, but that is changing (in the past 10 years foreign USD holders have decreased from 77% to 62%).

Saturday, January 10, 2009

No FX Tip For Saturday And Sunday - Let's Explore Clubfreedom Pal - Its $6000 Over & Over Again !!!

Finally, you can have your very own successful
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Are you ready for a revolutionary system that makes
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Experience it for yourself - Go to the website now:
Have a great day!

Best regards.

Friday, January 9, 2009

GBP/USD @ 3.00 pm - 09th. January 2009 (Malaysia)

BUY Area - 1.5213 (My Target is 1.5400 and after that possiblely 1.5722)

Please becarefull of the reversal signal and join our skype conferences everyday.

SELL Area - 1.5170

The market is still uptrend and should follow the channel line upward. Why 1.5722, because it is previous high resistance.

Initial support is at 1.4983 area and if this situations hold, the candle will meet the 1.5700 area in few days.

I've received many enquiry about my predictions and how I've done it so accurate. Sorry I cannot give it free here and is not fair to all my student because they pay me to attend the clases. If you need my training you have to pay and I'll need only 4 hours of your time to get at least 60 pips per day. If you do just call me for you to booking your fxclass at 0123952744.



Thursday, January 8, 2009

GBP/USD @ 6.00 am - 08th. January 2009 (Malaysia)

BUY Area - 1.5081 ( My Target is 1.5125 - then if possiblely up to 1.5289)

SELL Area - 1.5031 ( My Target is 1.4925 - then if possiblely down to 1.4822)

MAJOR IMPACT FOR TODAY - Please be aware - chances to get more pips tonight.

1. 08.00 PM (Malaysia) - Interest Rate For BOE/GBP - Increase rate better for GBP.

2. 09.30 PM (MALAYSIA) - Actual smaller from forecast better for USD.

But becarefull because if BOE decrease interest rate, bang-bang you will see GBP/USD charts will drop sharply and maybe will meet the bottom line or year low for the first time.

For me better dont trade at that time. Let it be and trade after the market back to normal and then just follow the trend and indicator. Anyway it up to you man, your money your responsiblity and I just give my opinion.

Congrate for those who got more 300 pips yesterday.

Becarefull again on reversal candle. Let take more pips today.

Allah Hu.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

GBP/USD @ 6.00 am - 07 Dec 2009 (Malaysia)

BUY Area - 1.4827 ( my target is 1.5137 area - PLEASE DONT BELIVE ME)

SELL Area - 1.4787 ( my target is 1.4651 area )



Congratulations to all trader who got 100 - 400 pips yesterday.

Keep up your good dicipline, just trade what you see and welcome to the club Mr Apis from KK. Be infront your computer tomorrow afternoon Sir. Start your trading life tomorrow and no more waiting. The Market is always there 5 days a week.

Til then I will send to you all my predictions after 2.00 pm today (malaysia clock).

Allah Hu.. salam.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

GU @ 5.00 pm - 6th Dec 2009 (Malaysia) - My Predictions

BUY Area - 1.4643 ( TP - 1.4725 after that 1.4824 area)

SELL Area - 1.4600 ( TP - 1.4550)


Congratulations for those who profit 100 - 330 pips yesterday. As usual who used my predictions got at least 100 pips yesterday and some of them got more $600. Please be more cautious today because the trend is still Bearish. I've heard shida got 114 pips and so do Hazwan, Misha, Anuar, Husaini and others. Mr G got thousand of dollars yesterday... keep up Mr. G and be more dicipline - I hope so. Others please send report at this column by press the comment so I can monitored your performance if I got time. Without that comments nobody will tell you what to do and please use your right brain to comments.

To get more profit you have to be more dicipline and becarefull of the reverse signal that could happens anytime today. The dicipline of M30 and M5 is a must and becarefull of the Pivot and yellow point. From time to time I will give some reports here. Thanks.

Allah Hu :

The H4 Charts For Today - please predict your ownself.

Monday, January 5, 2009

My Analysis For GBP/USD @ 5.00 pm (Malaysia)

Becarefull of the reversal strategy, the market try to break resistance at 1.4696 (see MA - white colour)then turn back to find support at 1.4350.

From 1.4350 it may reverse up to 1.4696 area or furture. From there the market will try back to find 1.4000 area in fews days.

Dont belive me ok, it only my predictions. My advice you just have to confirm back on what ever you learn from me before. Use all the particular indicator we share it before. No speculations but just Trade on what you see, not what you think.

Happy Trading Frens.

5th January 2009 (Monday) Malaysia For GBP/USD Tips

( This is only my predictions )

BUY Area - 1.4563

Sell Area - 1.4481

Salam... I'm still slept after Morning Prayer... hehehe... lets Asia market goes by.

Try to predict yourself, before I do. Give a comment by just press the comments column... Try your best.

Tips from Oracle :

How a Dollar Collapse will drag other currencies down

Among these many nations running trade deficits, there are four groups whose currencies are vulnerable to a US dollar collapse:

1) Nations who are financing trade deficits by selling off dollar reserves . Nations in this category include: India, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and most middle-east oil producers.

2) Nation who are financing trade deficits with large amounts of US foreign aid. Nations in this category include Israel and Egypt.

3) Nation who are offsetting trade deficits with remittances from citizens working abroad. Nations in this category include Mexico and India.

4) Nation who are trade heavily with US while running trade deficits with rest of the world. Nations in this category include Japan and Mexico.

The USD situations:

Currency: dollar— Doomed
Trade Balance: Growing Deficit

The GBP situations:

Currency: pound— Doomed
Trade Balance: Growing Deficit

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sampaikan Amanah Ini Kepada Semua Umat Allah... Allah Hu Akhbar

Assalamu'alaikum, Please don't break or putuskan mail ni...keep on fowarding to ur friend insyallah aminkan doa kita ini. we make a doa' for our suffering Muslims ummah in Palestine , Afghanistan , Iraq , Chechnya, Kashmir and anywhere else around the globe.

If each of us makes a doa' and send this friendly reminder to other muslims, just imagine how much good deed we will receive (without realising so).

"Ya Allah, selamatkanlah umat Islam yg sedang sengsara di Palestin, Afghanistan , Iraq , Chechnya serta diseluruh pelosok dunia akibat dari angkara mungkar dan kekejaman musuh musuh Mu. Peliharakanlah mereka, lindungilah mereka, dan jadikanlah kami semua hamba2 Mu yang bertaqwa..." Musnahkanlah bumi Israel Laknatullah..Amin Ya Raabil A'A Lamin. Allah Hu.



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This product is the first of it kind. There are many bio-fuel or bio-diesel product in the world, but it is only for bio-fuel and enhancer. But Fuel Synergy is 4 in 1 product. Please grab this opportunity asap before somebody take it.

Also if you willing to invests for the productions of this product, the promise returns is 40% per year. You may come to Malaysia and visits the factory and check it yourself. But please give at least a week noticed for the all arrangement to be made for your own conveniance.

For more informations please not hesitate to contact me. Thanks.

Friday, January 2, 2009

02 January 2009 @ 9.00 am (Malaysia) Tips For GBP/USD

BUY Area - 1.4741

SELL Area - 1.4691

Becarefull of the reversal signal and please be aware of the rangging market.

No trade on rangging markets...

Good Luck

Thursday, January 1, 2009


How Are You And What is your Profit yesterday....

Bang... bang... who ever read my blog and took the buy and sell postions yesterday got more than 600 pips... congrate...

For Revisions, please revise back:

1. My Forex Analysis given to you before

2. M30 (Confirmations) - m5 (Entry signal) - H1 (SRDC - 84)

3. Daily Pivot - long and short candle.

4. Mathematics actions/calculations - dont Locks your positions - hedge better.

5. Trade what you see, not what you think.

6. News and fundamental are a must and what it is on that day.

7. Read my tips everyday - for more confirmations. Please send comments for all my
predictions and I dont mind if the predictions is wrong or not. I'll appreciate

8. Trade not more than 1 positions at a time and use only not more than 5% from
the equity you've got. Less than 5% are better.

9. Dont trade if you sick/tired,

10. Try to predict yourself and try to discuss with your trading group.

11. No Speculations because it will regrets you later - confirmations is a must.

12. No trade on ranging/sideway market... but if you want to, use smaller Time Frame (TF)and RSI.

13. STOP LOST IS A MUST - if your dont, you are fail trader my frens.

I'm not a supperman and I'll cannot helps you always - you must do it yourself, because indicator is only showing the way of the market, but your skills and practice make perfect. So try and try again until you succeed.

See You next week pal.... 2009.

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