Sunday, February 8, 2009

Articel From Web Boma for You to Read

You are visiting this page probably because you like to become a good forex trader. If you are already a good forex trader then skip this page because you have already known yourself!Did you know that you have to know yourself if you really like to become a good forex trader? Yes; it is true because a forex trader has to be able to control his emotions. Do you know what kind of emotions we have? We have five main emotions that our behaviors, decisions and actions can be influenced by them: Pride, Greed, Fear, Ignorance and Desire

Two of these emotions are more important than the others in forex trading but these two emotions also become affected by the other emotions. For example the reason we want to learn and trade forex is based on Desire and when you like to become wealthy you are somehow feeding your Pride not just your greed.

Believe it or not! If you don’t learn to know yourself and become the master of your emotions you will never ever become a good trader even if you hold ten PhDs in economics, politics, mathematics, computer and … . Trading is different than these things. I don’t want to ask you to go and sign up for a Yoga or meditation class (although I believe it would be great if you could that) or go to one of the temples in Tibet and become a monk and then come back and start trading forex. What I am trying to say is that you should know yourself and your emotions in order to become able to control them. People are different from each other. You can have more fear than your friend and your friend can have more greed than you.

So start knowing yourself basically by asking some questions and analyzing your behavior and reactions:

1. Are you an emotional person in general?
2. Do you get angry or scared so easily?
3. Do you get upset so easily?
4. Do you work long hours to make more money but you don’t enjoy the money you make?
5. Do you fall in love so easily and frequently?
6. Is it hard for you to give something for charity?
7. Is it hard for you to forgive someone who has made you upset?
8. Do you always try to keep everybody happy and satisfied?
9. Do you exaggerate when you describe something like a movie or an event?
10. Do you consider the problems much bigger than they really are?
11. Do you like to talk a lot but listening to the others is not easy and pleasant for you?
12. Do you always try to be the first and the best in everything?
13. Do you hate anybody who is better than you?
14. Do you get upset when someone who is younger tries to teach you something?
15. Do you like to buy and keep books that you don’t really read?
16. Is it hard for you to admit that somebody knows more than you?
17. Do you try to answer any question that you are asked and it is hard for you to say “I don’t know”?
18. Do you like to learn from your own mistakes or you prefer to learn from the others’ experiences?
19. Are you sometimes so happy and sometimes so sad without any special reason?
20. Do you believe that you are always right and only the others make mistakes?

Ask the above questions from yourself and try to answer them properly. You are the best to judge about yourself. Don’t ask the others to answer the questions for you. You know the answers if you think.

Again believe it or not! I wish I had enough time and patience to explain how any of the above 20 problems affects forex trading but if you answered yes to any of the above questions, you will not be a good forex trader and you will make a lot of mistakes. But it is easy to resolve these problems. You just need to find and know them and then control them. In order to achieve anything which is more psychological based we need to solve the above problems first.

Baca dan Baca

This is yours and please read it:

Good Luck.1) Penaklukan Baitulmuqaddis.

bersabda: Dari Auf b. Malik r.a. katanya,Rasulullah s.a.w telah

'Aku menghitung 6 perkara menjelang hari kiamat.' Baginda menyebutkan salah 1 diantaranya, iaitu penaklukan Baitulmuqaddis.'
- Hadith Sahih Bukhari

~ perkara ni dah jadi dah... depan mata.. walaupun sekadar tengok di berita perdana jam 8.00malam @ Al Jazeera.

2) Zina bermaharajalela.

'Dan tinggallah manusia2 yang buruk, yang seenaknya melakukan persetubuhan seperti himar (keldai). Maka pada zaman mereka inilah kiamat akan datang.' - Hadith Sahih Muslim

~ perkara ni dah jadi dah... depan mata... kat mana mana ada perkara macam ni. dah tahu malu lagi. kalau nabi Muhammad PBUH masih hidup, pasti baginda sedih melihat kejadian ini. sebab bukan ini yang baginda inginkan dari umatnya...

3) Bermaharajalela alat muzik.

'Pada akhir zaman akan terjadi tanah runtuh, rusuhan & perubahan muka'. Ada yang bertanya kepada Rasulullah;
'Wahai Rasulullah bila hal ini terjadi?' Baginda menjawab: 'Apabila telah bermaharajalela bunyian(muzik) & penyanyi² wanita' - Ibnu Majah

~ perkara ni dah jadi dah... depan mata... paling senang nak jumpa depan television. adanya rancangan Akademi Fantasia, Malaysia Idol, artis perempuan yang membawa imej muslimah... dan pelbagai lagi... ini tak termasuk artis wanita yang macam perempuan nasrani dan yahudi.

4) Menghias masjid & membanggakannya.

'Di antara tanda2 telah dekatnya kiamat ialah manusia bermegahan dalam mendirikan masjid' - Riwayat Nasai.

~ memang dah nampak dah... tak payah tengok kat luar negara, kat Malaysia ni pun ada... masjeed cukup main besar, tapi tak ramai jemaahnya. tempat yang ramai jemaah, sampai melimpah-limpah tak muat nak masuk buat solat jumaat tak nak diperluaskan lagi masjeed tu. biasanya orang macam ni lebih pentingkan, masjeed mana paling canggih... cantik...

5) Munculnya kekejian, memutuskan kerabat & hubungan dengan tetangga tidak baik.

'Tidak akan datang kiamat sehingga banyak
perbuatan & perkataan keji, memutuskan hubungan silaturahim & sikap yang buruk dalam
tetangga.' - Riwayat Ahmad dan Hakim.

~ ada anak tak mengaku ada mak/bapak pasal malu...... ada jugak bapak yang tak ingat anak, suruh orang lain bela... bila anak dah besar, tak payah bela lagi, baru datang carik anak...

6) Ramai orang soleh meninggal dunia.

'Tidak akan datang hari kiamat sehingga Allah mengambil orang2 yang baik& ahli agama di muka bumi, maka tiada yang tinggal padanya kecuali orang2 yang hina & buruk yang tidak mengetahui yang makruf dan tidak mengingkari kemungkaran'
- Riwayat Ahmad

~ boleh kira berapa jer para ulama' yg tinggal... kalau yang ada ada ni tak tahu komitmen dia yang sebenarnya, samada betul tanggungjawabnya untuk kepentingan islam atau sekadar tempelan batuk di tangga.

7) Orang yang hina mendapat kedudukan terhormat.

'Di antara tanda semakin dekatnya kiamat ialah dunia akan dikuasai oleh Luka' bin Luka'(orang yang bodoh & hina).. Maka orang yang paling baik ketika itu ialah orang yang beriman yang diapit oleh 2 orang mulia' - Riwayat Thabrani

~ George Bush, Ariel Sharon & kat Malaysia pun ada...

8) Mengucapkan salam kepada orang yang dikenalnya sahaja.

'Sesungguhnya di antara tanda2 telah dekatnya hari kiamat ialah manusia tidak mahu mengucapkan salam kepada orang lain kecuali yang dikenalnya saja.' - Riwayat Ahmad

~ jiran sesama islam pon tak bertegur sapa...

9) Banyak wanita yang berpakaian tetapi hakikatnya telanjang.

Diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah r.a. 'Di antara anda² telah hari kiamat ialah akan muncul pakaian² wanita & apabila mereka memakainya keadaannya seperti telanjang'.

~ fesyen zaman skarang (tube, spaghetti strap, g-string etc.)... pakai kat umah cukupla tunjuk kat laki, dapat pahala besar... ini siap tunjuk kat orang.. nak tunjukkan betapa besar "lurah aku", betapa besar pinggul aku", betapa ramping badan ku... betapa 'flat' perut ku .... etc... masyaAllah. kan senang pakai baju kurung, nak duduk selesa, nak berjalan selesa, nak buat ibadah umum (macam keluar bekerja mencari rezeki, pegi berniaga dan jumpa orang, menghadiri majlis perkahwinan etc) pun selesa. apatah lagi ibadah khusus (bersolat, tak nampakla kulit kalau telekung jarang, nak berzikir pun seronok, sebab menutup aurat, sebab berzikir ni walaupun pendek, tapi berulang kali memang ada kebaikannya, hanya Allah yang tahu, bukan kita.)

10) Bulan sabit kelihatan besar.

'Di antara tanda2 telah dekatnya hari kiamat ialah menggelembung( membesarnya) bulan sabit.' - Riwayat Thabrani

~ tak caya gi tengok.... atau tanya orang yang biasa dengan ilmu ini. pasti mereka tahu.

11) Banyak dusta & tidak tepat dalam menyampaikan berita.

'Pada akhir zaman akan muncul pembohong2 besar yang datang kepadamu
dengan membawa berita2 yang belum pernah kamu dengar & belum pernah
didengar oleh bapa2 kamu sebelumnya, kerana itu jauhkanlah dirimu dari mereka agar mereka tidak menyesatkanmu & memfitnahmu' - Sahih Muslim

~ Siaran TV kerajaan dan swasta, akhbar2 harian & majalah² yg popular skarang nie....... macam macam kan ....

12)Banyak saksi palsu & menyimpan kesaksian yang benar.

'Sesungguhnya sebelum datang nya hari kiamat akan banyak kesaksian palsu ......
& disembunyikan kesaksian yang benar.' -Riwayat Ahmad

~ tengok kes peperangan Iraq ... soheh serta sah nampak, tapi kita atau orang yang sepatutnya ... buat tak tahu jek.....

13) Negara Arab menjadi padang rumput & sungai..

'Tidak akan datang hari kiamat sehingga negeri Arab kembali menjadi padang rumput & sungai²' - Sahih Muslim

~ Dubai dah turun salji... Mina (tempat orang buat haji- bersihkan dosa) dah kene banjir...


Dari Abdullah bin 'Amir r.a., Rasulullah s.a.w....bersabda:

'Sampaikanlah pesanku biarpun...
1 ayat....'

Saturday, February 7, 2009

GBP/USD Pair Next Week - My Predictions:

My Buy Area yesterday 6 th February 2009 at 1.4565 met and reached my first target at 1.4650 and second target at 1.4750 and close at 1.4842. After that it when back inside the BB area and close at 1.4804. Congratulations who took this opportunity and gain more 200 pips. Thank Allah and syukran and hoping you will not miss that Bullish move. The candle fail to meet the Pivot point at the first place after the NFA results emerge.

Looks at the H4 chart, this bullish movement are from the double bottom pattern on 02 nd. February 2009 from 1.4050 point. From 1.4050 candle break the middle band and made a big flag on 05 th February 2009, candle move further up and try to penetrate MA line at Daily chart attached here and close on high pattern candle. Just analyst the Daily candle I've attached together here.

So What Will Happen Next Week - My Predictions: (Please Don't Belive Me).

Look at the H4 chart, look like candle happen to close as Spinning Top Pattern. This is very look like a confirm Reversing Signal but becarefull it is a Green Colour candle (Bull candle). But please refer the Daily Chart, candle already penetrate MA White Colour Line and close at High Pattern.

For me the candle as it is close as high pattern candle at Daily Chart, on monday morning definately will perform next as Bearish Candle (Please dont belive me ok). If this situations happen, the candle try again to break the middle BB. But if it fail the candle will move upward and try to break again 1.4800 level (MA White colour) and move further up to test the 1.4900 Resistance area. From here it will test again 2009 high point at 1.5372.

Trading Range is from 1.4050 to 1.4850 area.

until then Good Luck.


Reminder :

This is for my Forex Student Educations predictions. All the predictions is base only for them and use with thier relevan indicator that they use. It is not for you and if happen you use it for your guidance and trading methode, I'm not guarenteed that it will meet your trading skil and gain profit. It is below your own merit or what so ever. If happen that you will get profit from this stupid prediction, you may Thanks Allah for giving you that opportunity. For those who needs my forex courses, please refer to this blog for further actions. Remember this - Your money is your responsiblity, not me. So you decide wether you want short cut way or you have to search all the entire years to get one simple stupid indicator. Because I've found this methode and got the secret after find it my own for more then 2 years period. ALLAH HU.

Friday, February 6, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 10.50 am (Malaysia)

Salam and Good Morning Malaysia.

Congratulations who manage to got more 200 pips yesterday. I've heard a women who just wait the candle reach Buy Area at 1.4431 and win more 200 pips. So do others and please becarefull because all the relevan price is only use for my education purpose with the relevan indicator. Without the indicator I'll cannot guarantee you to gain profit. If you need forex courses using my way, please booking asap. There are waiting list already and first come first serve.

Ok this is my predictions today:

BUY Area - 1.4565 (my target is 1.4650 - may go further up to 1.4750 area).

SELL Area - 1.4545 (my target is 1.4300 area).

Trading Range is between 1.4322 to 1.4701.

SELL Area : (From 1.4545)

Break 1.4322 area the price may drop to 1.4065 area in Few Days.

BUY Area : (From 1.4565)

Break 1.4701 area the price may go furthur up to 1.4750. If the candle meet and break this level, the candle will test to break this year high at 1.5372 in Few Days.

For Malaysian Only.

Tuan/Puan blog ini adalah untuk kegunaan student-student saya bagi memantapkan lagi pemahaman mereka keatas indicator dan penggunaan indicator yang saya ajarkan kepada mereka. Penggunaan blog ini adalah tertakluk kepada Discipline yang tinggi kepada indicator yang kami gunakan, saya tidak kata predictions saya ini betul atau tidak.

Oleh itu tanpa penggunaan indicator kami, anda dinasihatkan tidak menggunakan predictions saya. INGAT ITU. INGAT ITU. Jadi jika anda menggunakan BUY/SELL area saya dan gagal dalam trading anda, nasiblah sebab predictions ini bukan untuk anda. Hehehehehe... jangan marah.

Yang memberi komen itu di forum-forum, saya ucapkan terima kasih. Ada kawan dan ada lawan dan saya memang perlukan feed back sebegini bagi menilai pemahaman saya keatas pengetahuan saya selama 3 tahun dibidang Forex. Sebahagian dari anda saya kenal termasuk yang sedang tersangat promote Instaforex IB tu, hehehehe. Saya ikhlas beri kelas terbaik kepada orang Melayu di Malaysia. Kalau anak murid anda sendiri cari saya, kan bagus mereka boleh mendapat lebih pengetahuan dan pandai trade. Ini akan menguntungkan anda juga sebagai IB instaforex. Tak gitu.





Allah Hu.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

GBP/USD Pair @ 11.45 (Malaysia)

SELL Area - 1.4431 (my target is 1.4300 area - possiblely may drop further at 1.4200 area).

BUY Area - 1.4471 (my target is 1.4600 area).

As predicted yesterday my Buy Area at 1.4375 met handsomely as Hazwan and met my target at 1.4500 and close at 1.4576. After fail to break 1.4600 level, candle drop back to close at 1.4453. This consolidations movement is from the double bottom pattern candle from price at 1.4051 and fail to go further up. As I told before if candle fail to penetrade and open below R1 the candle may drop back and find Mr. Pivot again.

Today (morning) this movement is still continue and candle may drop back at S1 - 1.4326 and possibly may drop sharply to 1.4051 if the price break 1.4200 area. Fail to do so the candle may find back Mr. Pivot at 1.4451.

Look at H4 chart

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

4th February 2009 @ 11.15 am (Malaysia) For GBP/USD Pair

BUY Area - 1.4375 ( my target is 1.4500 area and if break this level will possiblely go further up to 1.4650 area)

SELL Area - 1.4333 (my target is 1.4250 and if break will drop further down to 1.3900 area).

Trading range is between 1.4050 to 1.4500 - if braek this level the candle will move further.

Yesterday both Buy and Sell Area met and Buy area met at my target 1.4050 but fail to break 1.4500 and close at 1.4483. From here the price drop to 1.4300 area at this moment. Look like is still in consolidations mood from the Bullish movement on monday at 1.4050.

So this consolidations look like will continues today to test 1.4600 area. If break 1.4600 area it possiblely in favor to further rise to break 1.4800 area. This resumption movement might happen today. Please dont belive me because if you open Monthly Chart, Inverted Head And Shoulder is still there and everybody is hopping this Chart Pattern movement will happen this month.

But if this not happen and price brake again try to break 1.4050 area or further.

Look at H4 chart - there is double bottom pattern from 1.4050 movement. That why candle go further up Yesterday but fail to test 1.4500 area and drop back to find Mr. Pivot again and will test middle line of BB. If next candle happen to break below middle line today, the candle will drop further down to test 1.4050 area.

Let see this happen today. Happy Trading for more pip and remember the discipline. Congrate who manage to get more 200 pip yesterday. But setting your target is better, because you will get your daily target. Dont hope to get hundreds of pips, because it will make you suffer sooner or later. Think of it.

For Malaysian Only.

Tuan/Puan blog ini adalah untuk kegunaan student-student saya bagi memantapkan lagi pemahaman mereka keatas indicator dan penggunaan indicator yang saya ajarkan kepada mereka. Penggunaan blog ini adalah tertakluk kepada Discipline yang tinggi kepada indicator yang kami gunakan, saya tidak kata predictions saya ini betul atau tidak.

Oleh itu tanpa penggunaan indicator kami, anda dinasihatkan tidak menggunakan predictions saya. INGAT ITU. INGAT ITU. Jadi jika anda menggunakan BUY/SELL area saya dan gagal dalam trading anda, nasiblah sebab predictions ini bukan untuk anda. Hehehehehe... jangan marah.

Yang memberi komen itu di forum-forum, saya ucapkan terima kasih. Ada kawan dan ada lawan dan saya memang perlukan feed back sebegini bagi menilai pemahaman saya keatas pengetahuan saya selama 3 tahun dibidang Forex. Sebahagian dari anda saya kenal termasuk yang sedang tersangat promote Instaforex IB tu, hehehehe. Saya ikhlas beri kelas terbaik kepada orang Melayu di Malaysia. Kalau anak murid anda sendiri cari saya, kan bagus mereka boleh mendapat lebih pengetahuan dan pandai trade. Ini akan menguntungkan anda juga sebagai IB instaforex. Tak gitu.





Allah Hu.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

3rd February 2009 @ 11.30 am (Malaysia) - GBP/USD Pair

SELL Area - 1.4221 - My Target is 1.4050

BUY Area - 1.4251 - My Target is 1.4350


Market is still on corections from yesterday pullback from price 1.4050 area.

Becarefull of the reverse signal.

Allah Hu.

Supply And Demand On TD: Join Me at Super Forex

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